Where to post a review

74comet's Avatar
I have a question for the staff.
I am about to do a review of a recent appointment I had but am perplexed as to where to post. The confusing part is that the provider was traveling to the DFW area where I saw her, but she is from a different state. She told me that she has not been in this area in almost 4 years and doesn't have immediate plans to return. Should I review in the Dallas forum or her home area? I am thinking that I should post in her home area as that would probably so the most good for our hobby brothers. Set me straight.

74 Sir,

You should post it here, as the appt. took place here. I understand that she is not from here, but a search under her name will bring it up for anyone and she can also link to your review so it will be visible.

My .02 worth.

74comet's Avatar
Thanks PPE will do.
Anytime Sir,

Look forward to reading it.