🍾 Introducing an experimental Reward Program 🍻 🛩 CATs Frequent Fyer Mile Reward 🛩

cat's.candy's Avatar
💖 I don't believe in discounts for my services that sounds like a markdown because it didn't sell... But I've come up with a reward program that benefits both the hobbyist and provider. The business part of hobbying, donation exchange can get awkward at times. And hardcore hobbyist say it takes away from the fantasy. My experimental reward program is designed for The hobbyist Who hobby often but modified for those who indulge in moderation. With the instability of Backpage and the sporadic eccie calls, the consistency isn't there 4 Financial Security. But you can bet the Predators or present and ready to devour. The donations are there the problem is it's not 9 to 5 steady and consistent it's sporadic and on a timeline you have to be available within 15 to 20 minutes of a call. Not to mention the 100 -150 phone calls depending on the day and then to end up not finding a safe caller to make an appointment at the end of the day. it's just about too much work for the payoff.
Cats frequent flyer miles eliminates the donation Exchange every visit and gives me some Financial Security I wouldn't have otherwise the catch is to donate one time a month. I've designed a sliding scale donation for one hour and half-hour sessions, with 4 week 3 week and two week packages. And I will give a bonus hour or half-hour session for everyone who commits. Now I do understand trust plays a big part in making this work. I'm ready to step up my game to gain the Financial Security this would bring. I have a client who came up with the idea just because he hates going to the ATM it worked out great. When he paid me at the first of the month when you called I answered his calls and gladly made myself available for him it helps me get my car and apartment which I don't have either right now but that's just temporary. I will even sign a contract that says you've donated 4 cleaning or non-professional massage services I'll have a bank account so you can deposit it directly or donate in person. A little Financial Security goes a long way it rules out the worry of inconsistent income and being kicked out of a place because of low funds are no funds that's time I could spend thinking about how to come up with fun stuff to do with my clients. I've cut donations down to make it affordable realistic and so irresistible you have to try it so please give you some feedback I realize this won't appeal to everyone and that's cool too.
One hour sessions: for 4 weeks it would be 200 140 80 + 80 plus a bonus 1 hour for committing $500 for five one-hour sessions, for 3 weeks it would be 200 140 80 plus a bonus one hour session for committing that's for one hour sessions for $420 for two weeks it would be 200 140 plus one hour bonus session for committing that would be $340 for three one hour sessions.
Half hour sessions: for 4 weeks it would be 160 120 80 80 plus a bonus half hour session for committing that's $440 four five half-hour sessions. For 3 weeks it would be 160 120 80 and a half hour bonus session for committing $360 for 4 half hour sessions. Two weeks would be 160 80 and a half hour bonus session just for committing it would be $240 for three half hour sessions
That is a great idea
Heck, I cant seem to be able to schedule a first meeting with you much less a rewards program. Hope it works out for you tho.
I sure like this idea.
cat's.candy's Avatar
Txfire69 if you text me and let me know you are a eccie VIP I'll drop everything to schedule you. I would like your help in making it work. And in return I will work to make you happy
cat's.candy's Avatar
Don't be shy guys try a small package to start. Test the waters see how you like the service and if it works out try a bigger package. If you're not comfortable you don't like the way things are going let me know and I will rearrange to suit your needs
cat's.candy's Avatar
Fidel's interested in a one hour session package I will even let you divide an hour into 30 minute sessions and that will make even more sessions for your money
cat's.candy's Avatar
Oops! If anyone is interested not Fidel
ProviderRider's Avatar
Great plan for a single man. If I lived in that area I'd take you up on it.
Must be popular. I tried to leave a PM and got an error message that her Box Was Full!
Pun intended.
