If you ladies could write reviews ...

Knowing the activity level on this board, this thread is probably going to get crickets. To also be honest, I am not the original poster of this thought. It belongs to "Gatsby.Hobbiest" who posted this in the DFW Coed Section. I found it intriguing and decided to post it here.

I'm sure you ladies have a lot of tales to tell. I think it would be hilarious and/or insightful if you could write reviews on clients. How would you write one? If it helps, no client names need to be provided. Give us the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly!!
Please do! I think this would be very interesting and entertaining!
I've thought about this for a while.
Thanks ETG for posting! Now come on ladies, let hear it.
Come on ladies ...

Taylor Sims
I'm sure I missed someone?
Ladies Traveling Through!!

Be serious if you want Tom use this opportunity to recognize a favorite hobbiest!! Have fun with this if you want!!

Tell us what you would say about us in ROS if you had the opportunity.
Bronco85's Avatar
This could be interesting!!!
southerndoll's Avatar
We don't get to see the rest of the ROS so why would it be okay for y'all to see a mock ROS on our end ? I think a review bord for the ladies to post on the gents would be a great addition tho I think it would help on a few different levels.
One day I want to be able to write a review on you ETG
One day I want to be able to write a review on you ETG Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
I think I would really enjoy reading that!!

I wonder what the rules are on a Playmate using the Hobbiest phone to write the review? For example ... we finish with our time together and I hand you my phone that is open on Eccie to my account with a NEW REVIEW FORM opened up. You title it "My Time With ETG From Seeking ~P's Point Of View". Very inferesting!!
Amanda A'mor's Avatar
+1 I'm with southerndoll . That would be a great addition... I'd love to review the clients like they do us...
Had always thought this as a plus! Ladies that have their own website could always link their reverse review or open doc pad etc... snip it tool upload to their showcase as a pic ideally same format. Possibly making verification easier.....worse case maybe just a good laugh.
This is the sister thread that I posted over in Shreveport/Bossier.


Hopefully it will give some more ideas of what I am trying to accomplish. Come on NETX Hobby Community. Let's get some fun convo going from the local ladies!!
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
ET: A gal can use whatever she likes to sign in under HER account. Allowing anyone to use your account is a high level violation and can be cause for long terms if not permanent banning.

Does anybody do it? Sure. Does anyone get caught? Not often enough.

There are workarounds that I choose not to post in open forum.

  • jwood
  • 07-16-2017, 07:35 PM
Don't the ladies have a " Powder Room"?
I am afraid this thread is getting sidetracked. It might as well be closed.

It has nothing to do with providers letting us know what they read in ROS. Yes, although it is against the rules, we know some have access. This isn't about them outing themselves at all.

We also know they talk in the Powder Room. I don't want to know what is being discussed in the Powder Room.

This is a simple thread to encourage the ladies to have fun. Pretend as if they are writing a review. What types of things would they write in ROS. They can keep it vague and not about any particular hobbiest if they want. They can base it on a past experience or base it on a desired experience that hasn't ever actually happened. They can fantasize or they can use this time to express a bad experience. But in doing all that, they don't have to mention any hobbiest.

This was meant to be a funny light hearted thread.
mrredcat43's Avatar
Some people can't take a joke and take everything serious.
I would absolutely LOVE to be able to write reviews on clients! BUT, not sure many would get a bad review and it would make me horny every time I write one. Some of you know that I dont need any more of that! Lol