Member in good standing

By definition, What does a member in good standing imply? Is it a universal
definition, or one that changes with whomever defines it?

Is it a rhetorical question that cannot be answered?

SlowHand49's Avatar
Is it similar to an upstanding member?
burkalini's Avatar
It's certainly not me lol. I get in trouble all the time. Me and my big mouth I guess. Oh well gotta be me!
pyramider's Avatar
It really depends on who I am with whether my member is in good standing.
Sisyphus's Avatar
Certain ladies leave my member attention even!

I consider that a good thing!
Mojojo's Avatar
I would guess good standing would be a member who's not troubling. I will be one to admit that I've had my conflict in the hobby, however I've tried to make mends so would that make me a good standing member or what that mark me for years to come?
mojo... Im not sure, I would like to hear more about this. What does it take to be one?

"Member in good standing in the hobby community"

Wayward's Avatar
Some folks have tons of rep, but are not really trusted and some folks that fly under the radar are golden when dropping a single word. Some follow the prevailing winds and some can weather any storm, it's a very interesting question Carlie.
rednecksatyr's Avatar
LMAO.. At my age any standing is good!
Might be best answered by a MOD huh?
Mojojo's Avatar
Might be best answered by a MOD huh? Originally Posted by MsElena
Not necessarily. It's all about how that member gains YOUR trust. I'm a Houston mod, I've only met a select 3-4 gents in person and I trust them. but there are members who post some very useful stuff and although I never meet them they gain my trust by always providing useful information.

In Houston there was or is a mentality that since I have not met or hang out with a certain group of people I wasnt worthy or reputable enough to be a mod, but I see it different however. By not meeting other members for lunch, hanging out, etc etc i'm not easily swayed to think their way. I do shit the way i feel is right and if that gains a few members trust cool if not oh well.

So in answer to your question i think a member in good standing depends on your perception of what makes someone trustworthy.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
By definition, What does a member in good standing imply? Is it a universal
definition, or one that changes with whomever defines it?

Is it a rhetorical question that cannot be answered?

Carlie Originally Posted by Carlie
Might be best answered by a MOD huh? Originally Posted by MsElena
I think everyone is pretty much aware whether they are in "good standing" or not.

On the site here
If you aren't a drama queen/king, don't cause the mods a lot of difficulty and stir up shit all the time with other members, and can follow the guidelines established; you are probably in good shape.
If you do, you know you do, and....well...then you are probably not in "good standing".

If you are in doubt, ask your local Mod!
dearhunter's Avatar
In a generic sense, it is a moving persons "member in good standing" is another persons fucktard.

In a specific sense pertaining to access, it is a definition determined by those who control access.
  • MrGiz
  • 02-03-2011, 12:25 AM
I've taken one swing.... I'm still standing at the plate.... waiting for my next pitch.... anxious to take a second

I'm not out of the inning yet!!

I think ya know what I mean!!

Wayward's Avatar

In Houston there was or is a mentality that since I have not met or hang out with a certain group of people I wasnt worthy or reputable enough to be a mod, but I see it different however. By not meeting other members for lunch, hanging out, etc etc i'm not easily swayed to think their way. I do shit the way i feel is right and if that gains a few members trust cool if not oh well.
Originally Posted by mojojo213

Not exactly, we thought that perhaps we could help you, save you some of the mistakes we made over a decade ago. I've never asked or told anyone to thinck my way, only wanted them to actually thinck with some clarity. While it may not seem so this is meant with more than a little kindness.

If you can't see the board, can't identify the pieces or even understand the real rules of the game, it's kind of hard to be a respected referee, much less the good sheppard that is so often needed in this thing of ours.

What you don't know can hurt us and the ones that need you most of all. In time this will all become clear to you, perhaps that process has already started... No man is an Island.