The Corona dilemma Trump faces...

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-29-2020, 01:02 PM
Restrict travel and trade and risk a recession....or act as if nothing is wrong and risk Americans dying from Coronavirus.

This is what some of you Trump supporters have failed to understand.

He can't lie his way out of this or blame others...
  • oeb11
  • 02-29-2020, 01:17 PM
Poor ftw - down the Pelosi path of blaminig Trump for a viral outbreak.

And then being obstructionistic to efforts to deal with it from the medical community.

ftw could go to Wuhan and work for the Chinese army in their secret biologic facility.

a short career - but one with a useful ending. !
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-29-2020, 01:29 PM
I knew you would not have anything intelligent to say.

Trump is in a conundrum and his followers don't know what to say.
  • oeb11
  • 02-29-2020, 01:45 PM
Fine ftw - you behave just like Pelosi and the other obstructionist DPST's trying to blame Trump for the coronavirus. And profit politically from it.

Yet have nothing constructive to add to the response medically for the issues - just like the fireman j666 who thinks he can spray water from a hose on it and it will go away.

you have anything constructive to add to the debate - ftw???
Thought not!! - As usual.

Just dreaming of Bernie and Oceania!

You want a response to the corona virus - elect Bernie and his Medicare for All - see what kind of medical care One gets for a viral pandemic.

Nomenklatura will be treated - no One else. No money for medicine for Nobody- except nomenklatura.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I knew you would not have anything intelligent to say.

Trump is in a conundrum and his followers don't know what to say. Originally Posted by WTF

followers? bahaa pushing the Cult of Trump narrative again? you are beginning to sound like Kriss and jax.

Trump should restrict travel and he already has. he's not doing nothing as yous and the leftanistas claim. he didn't de-fund the CDC either.

he'll keep the travel restrictions until there isn't a threat. your claim he fears a recession and won't act are false. he already is acting. now. it's funny watching the leftanista press struggle with ways to spin this. by banning travel to highly affected areas is Evil Lord Trump being a nasty racist xenophobe now? or taking proper precautions in light of the situation?

only far leftist idiots will blame this on Trump. what could he have done in China to prevent this? next thing you know they will blame natural disasters on Trump. oh wait .. they already do.


meanwhile .. 3 people will be shot to death in Chicago and 90 people will die in car accidents. just another day.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-29-2020, 02:20 PM
Restrict travel and trade and risk a recession....or act as if nothing is wrong and risk Americans dying from Coronavirus.

This is what some of you Trump supporters have failed to understand.

He can't lie his way out of this or blame others... Originally Posted by WTF
followers? bahaa pushing the Cult of Trump narrative again? you are beginning to sound like Kriss and jax.

Trump should restrict travel and he already has. he's not doing nothing as yous and the leftanistas claim. he didn't de-fund the CDC either.

he'll keep the travel restrictions until there isn't a threat. your claim he fears a recession and won't act are false. he already is acting. now. . Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You are lying or ignorant to what was posted.

Reread the thread title.

I merely posted his options...neither of which are good.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You are lying or ignorant to what was posted.

Reread the thread title.

I merely posted his options...neither of which are good. Originally Posted by WTF

lying or ignorant.. make up yer mind will ya? all this indecision must be giving you a migraine!

since he's already restricting travel how can he be acting as if nothing is wrong?

how can yous stand it posting here 24/7 with so many who can't understand your vast intellect? isn't it frustrating? do you have a mission here? are you a crusader for truth, justice and the capitalist way?

are yous gonna set us ignert trumpys right no matter how long it takes?

Jaxson66's Avatar
Restrict travel and trade and risk a recession....or act as if nothing is wrong and risk Americans dying from Coronavirus.

This is what some of you Trump supporters have failed to understand.

He can't lie his way out of this or blame others... Originally Posted by WTF
Now that Iran is on the no travel ban, does that mean we can relax a little.

Surely the self proclaimed stable genius wouldn’t invade a biological hot spot.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Now that Iran is on the no travel ban, does that mean we can relax a little.

Surely the self proclaimed stable genius wouldn’t invade a biological hot spot. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

who says he was going to invade Iran anyway? You? the leftanista press? if they got too uppity and obstreperous he can just send a couple cruise missiles their way.

what do yous think of Evil Lord Trump's secret plan to stop the spread of the virus by using Ronnie's secret stash of neutron nukes on China? Saved by Trump! yay!

  • oeb11
  • 02-29-2020, 02:58 PM
j666 is just spreading the NYT leftist propaganda - "Trump invades Iran to sprad coronavirus!!!"
The foolishness they spread around. Ridiculous propaganda!
Thank you - for more Lies - j666!
lustylad's Avatar
...Spit or Swallow!

Spit it out and risk his boyfriend's ire?

Or swallow it and risk contracting another STD?

This is what us straight hobbyists have failed to understand.

Wtf can't lie his way out of this or blame others...
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Why do I suspect the OP is about a beer from Mexico?
Hotrod511's Avatar
...Spit or Swallow!

Spit it out and risk his boyfriend's ire?

Or swallow it and risk contracting another STD?

This is what us straight hobbyists have failed to understand.

Wtf can't lie his way out of this or blame others...
__________________ Originally Posted by lustylad

LexusLover's Avatar
Poor ftw - ... Originally Posted by oeb11
He's just parroting the LameStreamMedia, which quotes each other!

WTF still believes that the headlines are the most important, because he doesn't read well enough to dig out the real facts buried deep inside the FAKE "news" stories ... like .... "an undisclosed source"! Remember: WTF is an "an undisclosed source"!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-01-2020, 08:07 AM
...Spit or Swallow!

__________________ Originally Posted by lustylad
Spit n Swallow

That was the nickname I gave you and bambino in the Pittsburgh thread!

You had to get a Moderator edit it!

I'll have to go look up that thread....I got warning points for bitch slapping you for bringing up my handle in that shithole.

Do I live in your head 24/7?

I mean you brought my handle up in a forum I never visit. And you buddy Mr Swallowed bambino lies about me following you around. I bitched slapped Mr Spit it lustylad for taking my handle in vain outside this forum.