Another shithole country strategy - quarantine

  • Tiny
  • 03-30-2020, 12:31 PM
A group of Chinese experts traveled to Italy recently and provided advice from their experience with the new coronavirus. The recommend Italy quarantine anybody with coronavirus symptoms at facilities instead of requiring them to isolate at home. China tried the "isolate at home strategy," and one study showed 80% of cluster infections in a province originated from people told to rest at home. They transmitted the disease to family members. Also you have people walking around town when they're supposed to be at home.

To do this of course you've got to be able to test people with symptoms. We're rapidly getting to the point where we can do that.

Will this work in America like it did in China? Hell if I know. But it certainly shows people with coronavirus shouldn't have contact with people under the same roof.
  • oeb11
  • 03-30-2020, 12:37 PM
i do not believe anything the CCP propaganda puts out.

They are about "face" and finding ways to insert themselves into other countries for eventual control.

They are an international pariah after their cover-up and inflicting this virus on the world.

Their major method of viral control - IMHO - is the ak-47 - for anyone infected.

and that is why they kicked out any independent journalists ( NYT, WaPo : propagandists- the Wall st. journal -OK)
  • Tiny
  • 03-30-2020, 12:46 PM
i do not believe anything the CCP propaganda puts out.

They are about "face" and finding ways to insert themselves into other countries for eventual control.

They are an international pariah after their cover-up and inflicting this virus on the world.

Their major method of viral control - IMHO - is the ak-47 - for anyone infected.

and that is why they kicked out any independent journalists ( NYT, WaPo : propagandists- the Wall st. journal -OK) Originally Posted by oeb11

As to the coronavirus statistics, maybe they're lying and maybe they're not. The country is getting back to business. We know that from anecdotal reports. You don't see reports of people dying in the streets like they were in Wuhan before. Ignore the statistics, they're doing better than Italy and Spain. But here they are anyway: (population 1.386 billion) (population 327 million) (population 60 million) (population 47 million)
Jacuzzme's Avatar
You lost me at Chinese sent people to Italy.
Isolation may work for a tiny island country. Until they decide to lift it. Then people having the virus will just come in and infect the country.

Given that some folks are asymptomatic. Given that we won't have a vaccine for at least a year. Given that there is no "cure." Given that people supposedly infected are "cured" then can have a recurrence. Given that the virus only is fatal to the elderly and the feeble.

Let the disease continue through the world. We have no real choice. All the economic and societal pain we are going thru is counterproductive and will, in the end, have little consequence. Most of the people who are going to die will die anyway. Look at Italy. We can be reasonable about it, like isolating old folks homes.
A group of Chinese experts traveled to Italy recently and provided advice from their experience with the new coronavirus. The recommend Italy quarantine anybody with coronavirus symptoms at facilities instead of requiring them to isolate at home. China tried the "isolate at home strategy," and one study showed 80% of cluster infections in a province originated from people told to rest at home. They transmitted the disease to family members. Also you have people walking around town when they're supposed to be at home.

To do this of course you've got to be able to test people with symptoms. We're rapidly getting to the point where we can do that.

Will this work in America like it did in China? Hell if I know. But it certainly shows people with coronavirus shouldn't have contact with people under the same roof. Originally Posted by Tiny
The article doesn't say for sure whether the recommendation was to quarantine those with mild symptoms together or to quarantine those testing positive and experiencing only mild symptoms together. I would think it would be the latter. The former seems fraught with other issues.

Isolation may work for a tiny island country. Until they decide to lift it. Then people having the virus will just come in and infect the country.

Given that some folks are asymptomatic. Given that we won't have a vaccine for at least a year. Given that there is no "cure." Given that people supposedly infected are "cured" then can have a recurrence. Given that the virus only is fatal to the elderly and the feeble.

Let the disease continue through the world. We have no real choice. All the economic and societal pain we are going thru is counterproductive and will, in the end, have little consequence. Most of the people who are going to die will die anyway. Look at Italy. We can be reasonable about it, like isolating old folks homes. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Yes, I posted several days back regarding the second wave coming around to Asia. And much of the reason was due to them lifting travel restrictions as they tried to return to normal.

The best we can hope for is to flatten the curve worldwide while it take its course through the population over the next 12-18 months as expected. And hopefully during that time advanced treatments or even a vaccine will be developed.
Missburger's Avatar
chinas numbers are bs,

you cant trust anything they see, we will never do that

test more, test
thats it and isolate at home trumps gonna stick with that
HoeHummer's Avatar
i do not believe anything the CCP propaganda puts out.

They are about "face" and finding ways to insert themselves into other countries for eventual control.

They are an international pariah after their cover-up and inflicting this virus on the world.

Their major method of viral control - IMHO - is the ak-47 - for anyone infected.

and that is why they kicked out any independent journalists ( NYT, WaPo : propagandists- the Wall st. journal -OK) Originally Posted by oeb11
  • oeb11
  • 03-30-2020, 05:21 PM
Basically what has to happen - is either the virus burns out in the summer warmer weather, or enough people are infected to generate herd immunity in the country. That is likely a figure around 500 million people infected to protect those without immunity.
That figure is a large approximation on my part.

Lifting restrictions too early - the virus is not hampered by herd immunity - and infectivity at R0 of 2-3 being and self-propagates.

We are in unknown territory and trying to establish data to guide actions.

Fidel - i agree China's number reports are fraudulent.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Or we develop a vaccine.
  • oeb11
  • 03-31-2020, 08:30 AM
Vaccine is a year off, at best.