Provider needs html help

Bella Noel's Avatar
Hi babe

I am looking for someone that knows html and css pretty well that can look at a web page i am working on. I can not make the images align properly and I just need some quick advice. Please email me directly at if you would like to help

Your site is cute ;-) Looks like your web designer put some time into it, you should insist that he or she fix the problem.
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
Hi babe

I am looking for someone that knows html and css pretty well that can look at a web page i am working on. I can not make the images align properly and I just need some quick advice. Please email me directly at if you would like to help

Noel Originally Posted by Noelshaker
is this happening over several browsers or just one, don't see your issue using IE
speeedracer's Avatar
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`flip's Avatar
  • `flip
  • 08-03-2013, 07:35 AM
Your site is cute ;-) Looks like your web designer put some time into it, you should insist that he or she fix the problem. Originally Posted by GoodGirlMedia

I don’t think she’s working with a designer, at least I would hope not. It looks to me she’s more of a do it yourself kinda girl and with that being said not a bad job at that.

I’ve noticed a lot of very poor design options, ripped code, stolen pre classed layouts and code from various self-claimed web design companies on here it’s almost laughable if not boarder line criminal.

Ladies use caution when choosing a reputable designer do your homework and for lack of better words screen screen screen….

Also another cautionary warning never ever let your designer EVER secure your domain name it’s just a headache waiting to happen, and when you do secure your domain name always add the privacy options to it. If not anyone can Whois your domain name to get limited personal information on you.