Untamed Va-Jay-Jays

I was at Krogers the other day, buying some protein to replace what I'm always losing, ha ha. Of course I'm in the 15 items-or-less lane stuck behind some xxxxx with 30 items, oh I hate that! To occupy my time I scan the newstand rags. There's the usual bs about anglina jolie's marital problems or lindsay lohan's depression. Then my eyes flutter acoss this month's Cosmo. Yes, I'm not shamed to admit that I find Cosmo entertaining. There was a line on the cover entitled "untamed va-jay-jays" so I thought, mmmm, this looks intersting. You should see the looks I get when I reach for it and read it.

Very interesting. There's talk about the wide variety of jewelry and accessories you can get for yours. Thay even make make-up for it. Gives new meaning to the term lip gloss. The part I enjoyed most however, was the new/latest trend in "hair-styling". It appears that less women are shaving, more are letting it grow out, au naturel. Yes! I am not alone in my hair fetish.

Anyway, just wanted your ladies opinions on the subject.

Do you wear jewelry?
Apply make-up?
Allow the forest to grw untamed?
Captain Caveman's Avatar
You haven't heard of Vajazzle? It's the latest craze to dress up your va-jay-jay.
Yes indeedy! That crazy fad of vajazzling (which Jennifer Love Hewitt claims lifted her spirits). not for me.

I'm very tactile and the idea of skin rubbing against the rough rhinestones is as unpleasant and imagining rubbing the bald head of a man after being bedazzled LOL!:

Decorating the vajayjay screams "Look, but don't touch."
onehitwonder's Avatar
That's awesome! I'm a little old for that but for a youngest that's too cute!

(the 'gina pic)
Jasser's Avatar
I'm with you GB, I like the natural look as well. Hell, I like them all! I just don't like when it's always the same thing, regardless of the style. Too many bald ones get old, too many trimmed gets old, and too many naturals get old. I used to always ask the SO to switch it up.
Fiero's Avatar
  • Fiero
  • 08-18-2010, 08:14 AM
Bald is beautiful Baby!
daty/o's Avatar
UH-oh, I can see it now. So you go home and your SO asks " How did you get glitter on your tongue"?
Guess lipstick on the collar is passe'.
How do you shave with glitter on your va va jay, okay, I am not putting jewelry on my hairs down there. Thats a one-way trip to the hospital!

Thanks Honey Rose for the picture of the jewelry down there, I thought it was nice. Not my thing but nice, how would a lady grow hair there. Sounds like a nightmare.
Why do I find this whole subject disturbing?
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
im not sure about this either im currently landing strip but thinking of letting a very small and tamed bush grow once this god awful heat goes away just to see if i like it, ive had a few requests and what can i say i aim to please everyone
Do you wear jewelry?
Apply make-up?
Allow the forest to grw untamed? Originally Posted by Garland_Bone
Yes. In my ears, on my fingers, around my neck, maybe an ankle braclet every now and then.

Yes. On my face, only.

And uhm.... no.

The only thing that goes near my, ya know, is your cock, your tongue and an occasional toy every now and again.

How do you shave with glitter on your va va jay, okay, I am not putting jewelry on my hairs down there. Thats a one-way trip to the hospital!

Thanks Honey Rose for the picture of the jewelry down there, I thought it was nice. Not my thing but nice, how would a lady grow hair there. Sounds like a nightmare. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
I've actually done this on several people. They are little gems that you put on after waxing someone. They last about 5 days, so its by no means a semi-permanent deal. Same type of gems that ladies often use along with henna on their arms/hands/etc.

It looks cute, and the gents has something else to look at when they are not busy down there. Can you have it with hair down there?