Where is the fuc#ken outrage

last year this site, X, and many others were abuzz with calls for boycotts of companies that support LGBTQ. this year, 7 days into Pride month not a peep.
Is it because boycotting companies that support LGBTQ, would cause a little hardship to stand up to the values that was so prominently displayed last year, or is it because the lemmings are waiting for sone politician or celebrity to tell them what to think?
Inquiring minds want to know
Have you noticed that this year, anti-pride and anti-LBTBBBQ (the extra B is for BYOBB) aren't as prevalent on things like twatter and boomerbook?

Because it's an election year, and one of our presidential candidates is now a convicted felon. The people who broadcast hate full time have more important things to be talking about rather than the fact that it's pride month.

Of course people aren't going to boycott McDonalds because they are waving a gay flag this month, if the people they worship aren't doing it. They aren't doing it because they have more important things to go after, at least this year.
rmg_35's Avatar
Why should there be any outrage. It's just sick moronic ill-informed assholes that want to control people to what they perceive as there moral standards.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 06-07-2024, 01:41 PM
Perhaps people are sick and tired of identity politics, and we can start to go back to a day when nobody cared if you are straight or gay, as long as you aren't sticking it in our faces, or indoctrinating our children.