Ready to feel Lucky? Visiting Sept 16-20

LuckyinSeattle's Avatar
Greetings fellow perverts, provocateurs and playthings-
Welcome to my heavenly body of incorporeal encounters, I am very excited to make your acquaintance. Tell me about your dreams and desires - your aspirations of fulfillment and delight. My purpose here is to help you attain these aspirations while we ascend together into pure bliss. I want nothing more than to facilitate and join you on your journey to freedom from the world's current state of chaos.
My offerings are eclectic yet all carry the same theme: absolute satisfaction and erotic erudition. I truly believe there is something to gain from each experience we encounter during our short, precious time on this world. Why not spend it doing what we love? We deserve to honor ourselves by filling our spiritual cups with the most sumptuous experiences imaginable. I have my vessel in hand and am boundlessly ready to pour.
Won't you join me?