Bicycling Ministers

Chung Tran's Avatar
2 Preachers cross each other riding bikes on the way to their respective Churches each Sunday.. one Sunday one of them was on foot.. the other Preacher said "what happened to your bike"? "I don't know, it just went missing, I have no idea who took it"..

Preacher on the bike said "I have an idea, count the 10 commandments, and when you get to 'thou shall not steal', I bet whoever stole your bike will be smitten, and return it to you"..

the next Sunday they cross paths, both are on bikes.. "you did what I told you, and it worked, right"?

"well, not exactly.. I did what you said, I started to count the 10 commandments, and when I got to 'thou shall not commit adultery, I remembered where I left my bike"!
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