Here is what is wrong with the Republicans

There is going to be an open Senate Seat in Georgia. You would think that the Republicans would keep this seat with no problems.


Fukin idiots.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-27-2013, 02:10 PM
the morons are too busy shooting at their feet to notice a truck is coming

the right has morphed into "its about me" and forgot about the people .... Rafael comes to mind almost instantly.
The old saying, "one party is evil, the other is stupid" comes to mind.
Just got to let it play out.... look a squirrel
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 12-27-2013, 05:00 PM
The article mentioned the changing old white people are going down the tubes - adios
I stopped reading at clown car. Obviously a hit piece. Remember in the 2010 election the Rep had more women and people of color elected to high government positions than the Dims. Of course most of you've forgotten.
Repubs have people of color?
ramblinman69's Avatar
Repubs have people of color? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
No, we have people with fucking brains mate. It's not hard to figure out.
No, we have people with fucking brains mate. It's not hard to figure out. Originally Posted by ramblinman69

OH stop i'm laughing so hard it's hard to type
I dunno....if you read the latest polls, the Republicans are pretty well positioned for 2014. Only the idiot dems could have squandered the political hay they have provided by completely fucking up the rollout of the dems signature piece of legislation from the last 5 years.

They are all self-interested idiots who are only concerned about keeping their jobs rather than doing what's best for the American people. Shit, the republicans don't even pretend to act like its about anything but getting themselves elected or reelected with all policy and action driven by that agenda....not the welfare of the country. And, the democrats aren't much better.
One reason the ranks of the independents is growing.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 12-28-2013, 10:23 AM
Repubs have people of color? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I think they blush with shame at all the things they do.
I think they blush with shame at all the things they do. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
I'm amused. If conservatives were guilty of even half the things they get blamed for, we wouldn't be getting any votes at all. However, when the dust settles and people realize that people of color and almost everyone else are worse off now then they were when Republicans had some say, things may change. When it affects you personally and you can't afford 'affordable' health care and the Doctors help only those who can pay them when Uncle Sam won't, maybe some will get the hint. Maybe you would desire to live in North Korea or Cuba where the government really cares about the people. Then of course, you may be one of those people who always think government can do more. Maybe you think that you want to hear "I am with the government and I am here to help you!" more often. Right now Republicans have the lead but they can squander it if foolish people start to believe people like Mr. Jones and stop believing the reality in their own lives. I hear New York is offering tax free zones to people who start businesses. Do you think that maybe business doesn't want to be in New York because they think taxes are too high. Duh! Use your heads. Six million people have had their health insurance cancelled and two million have signed up for Obamacare including the President who doesn't need it. How many of the two million are signing up for Medicaid? Did the government need to seize 1/6 of the economy just to help a few? Use your thinking caps. Republicans aren't perfect but they aren't out to kill granny. If anything will kill granny, it will be the government deciding what care she ought to receive. Life isn't perfect but I do better when I help myself and don't elect people who believe the government can always do more. The health care roll out is a perfect example of why the government CAN'T! Maybe you want to increase the minimum wage so that there will be fewer entry level jobs. Maybe you think that a 27trillion dollar deficit is OK. If you think that, why don't YOU go out and spend a few thousand more than you have and see how debt works for you. Personally, I'm hoping someone like Ted Cruz wins the Presidency. He may not get reelected because people like being on the nipple of a huge government but things for all of us would be better. One last thing!" If you like your health plan, you can keep it PERIOD!" Imagine what would have happened if the employer mandate were in effect. Over half of Americans would have had to change plans. Is this the honesty we want from our elected officials? Ladies and gentlemen use your heads!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The article mentioned the changing old white people are going down the tubes - adios Originally Posted by Bert Jones

I thought you were supposedly black and now you're Hispanic.....well which one do you want to go with?
I B Hankering's Avatar
I thought you were supposedly black and now you're Hispanic.....well which one do you want to go with? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Here's another little factoid BJ wants to ignore:

"In the 2010 United States Census, 50.5 million Americans (16.3% of the total population) listed themselves as ethnically Hispanic or Latina. Of those, 53.0% (26.7 million) self-identified as racially white." (wiki)