Are you a fan of Game Of Thrones on HBO?

runswithscissors's Avatar
Just curious if there are any fans of the show since it started the third season last night....

Have a favorite character? or a favorite character to hate?
Daddy Matt's Avatar
Read the books and love the show. I actually like Arya and Jon Snow. Joffrey is a little bitch and I hate him
Love the books and love the show on HBO. One of the best book to screen transitions ever done.

Best characters are Tyrion and Arya - both book and on the screen.
Most interesting character over the books is Jamie. I won't spoil anything here for those that have not read the books.

Disliked characters, in the book it is Cersei and on the show Joffery the little boy playing at King. He does a great job of making you hate him on the show. Simply amazing acting.

Looking forward to season 3 and the next book. Simply hope that HBO does not catch up to the books and then have a delay.

jbravo_123's Avatar
I thought the show is pretty faithful to the books (it better be given how much involvement GRRM has).

I personally felt the books go downhill after book 3 so we'll see how well the tv series holds up. Of the major characters, I only really like Tyrion and Jaime. Arya is too much of a psycho bitch for my taste, Jon Snow is too Marty Sue, and Daenerys is cool until she gets all mopey and weak willed.

Strong Belwas is fucking hilarious though.
unagi's Avatar
  • unagi
  • 04-02-2013, 12:47 PM
Arya's my favorite, although in the TV show, they sort of cut short all the hell she goes through.

Everybody loves Tyrion and the actor does a great job. I just wish they would have made him more grotesque, as he is in the book. In the book, his face gets cleaved in; on the show, he gets a manly scar. Guess you can't ugly things up too much on TV, anyway.

Jaime's a complex, tragic character and he reveals himself very slowly.

Can't wait for the wedding invites to go out for season three.
Secret_Amore's Avatar
eh i've watch both season just to see what all the fuss was about. I like some characters on an individual basis but as a whole the show NO. its soo full of feudalistic political drama. hardly an escape from reality like i like my fantasy stories to be.

I wish they would just make the Whole show about that Dragon Queen girl i Love her.
greymouse's Avatar
eh i've watch both season just to see what all the fuss was about. I like some characters on an individual basis but as a whole the show NO. its soo full of feudalistic political drama. hardly an escape from reality like i like my fantasy stories to be.

I wish they would just make the Whole show about that Dragon Queen girl i Love her.
Originally Posted by Aurora_Amore
It's good to see a continuing trickle of interest in the best show on television. I recently watched Season 2 when HBO finally released it on DVD and have season 3 on pre-order. Obviously not an HBO subscriber nor likely to be until that blessed day when it is possible to order channels ala carte. In Season 2 the Battle of Blackwater ate the season budget to the detriment of the rest of the episodes except for the last one that seemed to be back to Season 1 standards, that is, with enough lighting to see what was going on.

Disliking "feudalistic political drama" is something that would not have occurred to me as an objection. The books are based loosely on the English War of the Roses that ended when Henry the VIII's grandfather picked a crown up off the battlefield after the warring Lancasters and Yorks had exhausted each other. George R.R. Martin (known as RailRoad to some) substituted Lannisters for Lancasters and Starks for Yorks and added a bit of mystery and magic for interest but yes, it remains a struggle between ruthless and ambitious people for more power and money and the joy of dominance. Just like real life. I suppose some prefer Unreal Life but it is hard to live there.

After the seeing the first season I read all the books and would highly recommend them. They are, in my humble opinion, very well written and draw upon a great deal of knowledge about the late middle ages and the arts of warfare and states craft in that period. I think the introduction of magic is done in a highly disciplined way that makes magic a kind of technology that operates within rules and requires knowledge and skill to use.

The books are a vast wealth of detail and color that makes them well worth reading. Unfortunately, the HBO "show runners" will have to take some of that out to stay even within an HBO budget despite the high degree of ingenuity they have shown in getting a good look for relatively little money.

My favorite characters are Arya, who is the smartest and most ruthless of the Starks, and Tyrion, the smartest and most ingenious of the Lannisters, and of course the beautiful Daenerys, the Mother of Dragons and possibly the saviour of the world by the time Mr. Martin gets around to finishing the story.

That is supposed to be possible two more books out although there is talk of the next book being in two parts and the last in three which would mean a total of another five books for a grand total of ten. The Seven only know how many season that would be. Since G.R.R.Martin looks like a middle earth dwarf himself - short, round, white haired and with a noticeably red nose some fans worry about wether he will last long enough for them to find out What Happens in the End. I certainly hope he does.

At the end of the fifth book Daenerys is beseiged in the East of the continent (Westeros is an big island) by at least two armies, two more fleets are on the way to the location unknown to each other, an archmaester who knows more about Magic than anyone else in Westeros is also on his way to the besieged city, the Dragons have grown large and very dangerous, Danny is riding one but is just tolerated by it, not in control AND Ser Jorah and Tryion Lannister have just joined a company of mercenaries among the besiegers. Book Six, when it arrives, will be very interesting. That is three or four HBO seasons out still. I feverently hope the TV production guys do not blow this.
AshleyStarrXoXo's Avatar
I cannot stand Theon Greyjoy. Everytime they start showing his story line I always find myself tuning the show out. I cant get enough of Rob Stark's character though. I love that he continues to try and be an honest man.
  • Joan
  • 04-26-2013, 02:05 PM
OMG! Game of Thrones!?! I am crazy for that show

Daenery is my favorite character ... Still haven't read the books, but I plan on it ;-)
Good series better books
runswithscissors's Avatar
OMG! Game of Thrones!?! I am crazy for that show

Daenery is my favorite character ... Still haven't read the books, but I plan on it ;-) Originally Posted by Joan

She is one of my favorite characters also, Joan,,,,I have always been a sucker for a strong woman.....

You must read the books! Especially with summertime coming up, and the new job, the books are a great read and a perfect escape; hoping that the author will continue on with the book series...
I haven't started watching the 3rd season yet, but I love to hate Joffrey. The actor that plays him is pretty amazing imo. The actor that played Viserys was also great at playing one of the least likable characters I have seen in awhile.

I really liked Ned and Drogo. Jaime and Tyrion are hilarious. The Hound is getting really interesting. Jorah is cool. Sansa is getting a lot more interesting as she grows up, and I'm definitely rooting for her. Sam is funny and I'm interested in seeing where his character is going. I find most of the characters pretty entertaining, though some of them get on my nerves at times.

I was expecting more of a PG Lord of the Rings type of thing when I started the show, but it has been anything but... have started the books and am very impressed so far.
RustyShakelfurd's Avatar
geoffery is a little bitch, I would punch the actor who plays him if i ever met him.