Virus Alert: Heartbleed

FootLong's Avatar
If you have Google/Gmail/Youtube, Yahoo, Facebook and some others, change your password now!

Here is a list what needs to be changed now, vs. wait and see:

Snopes description:

Let's be careful out there.
legbrker's Avatar
Thanks for the alert.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 04-10-2014, 10:21 PM
You may want to wait until you can confirm the affected sites for which you have an account have addressed the issue. Changing your password before the issue is addressed will only expose your new password the same way the previous password was exposed.
Yeah, I have authenticators for most of my passwords. I recommend them for google/gmail specifically. Mok nailed it though. Safe to change what FL said as the sites say to go ahead and change them.
johnnyglaze's Avatar
what do authenticators do or how do you get them
Authenticators use a random code that changes every min. When u log in, they also ask for that random code. U install an app to ur phone for that code. I use 3 different ones. Gmail mostly.
One thing to understand heart bleed is not a virus! It's actually a bug in OpenSSL version 1.0.1 that allows a remote command to tell the server to send a 64kb packet of data. Supposedly, the NSA has known about the bug for two years and hasn't said anything.

This is a simplified explanation as to how it works
e_l traveler's Avatar
One thing to understand heart bleed is not a virus! It's actually a bug in OpenSSL version 1.0.1 that allows a remote command to tell the server to send a 64kb packet of data. Supposedly, the NSA has known about the bug for two years and hasn't said anything.

This is a simplified explanation as to how it works
Originally Posted by Louigi
I Liked how the comic explained it.