A question about Zombie Sex ... ?

TheAntichrist666's Avatar
If a hypothetical SHTF scenario happens where most of mankind is transformed into Zombies, night of the walking dead or Resident Evil type of thing going on. Do you think Zombie humans will have sex with each other or will they be chasing live humans like us and trying to eat them?

If I see my favorite 3 Providers turn into zombies, I will run for my life ... ( :
Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 08-27-2012, 11:54 AM
I like eating providers, never heard one complain!!
From what I'v heard was when they they give head, you have to watch out for the teeth.
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
Ouch! ... Lol
ZedX79's Avatar
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

I presented this question in Dallas coed a few years back and got these responses!
tia travels's Avatar
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Aaahhhh ... so cute, Tia!
Bomb Pop's Avatar
Tough question. Would seriously think about it for 2 seconds, then do the proper thing, <pop pop> from Axana (my russian mail order bride, err rifle)
tia travels's Avatar

If I were a Zombie, I'd doubt that anything other than eating
would be on my brain...(<----- or whatever's left of it that is~)

(p.s. thanks Elisabeth!!)
wcdann's Avatar
this is a crazy thread lmao but i am curious about one thing about zombies the movies didnt tell us if you have unprotected sex with a zombie with out getting bitten would you catch the zombie virus like you would a STD hummmm lmao. Zombie or not im still wearing a cover lol
Guest091314's Avatar
I might just be a freak and trip over something....lol
Had years of zombie pussy from the 1st wife...felt lifeless and dead........once I killed the marriage with a prenup and magical divorce decree I found a new sex life and a reborn libido!
Bomb Pop's Avatar
Funny tx! Was there moaning at least???
TheAntichrist666's Avatar