Anything Actionable Over The Cohen Hearings?

I didn't watch them. A day or two later, all the bluster is off the front pages of most web sites - conservative and progressive. Other than Cohen's testimony, I didn't read of any evidence presented that warranted further investigation. And Cohen has been convicted of lying to Congress, disbarred and is going to jail. Did I miss anything?

We were promised bombshells. If the DNC and Lawfare can't coordinate a convincing leadoff to impeach the President then they've got little if not anything. If they can't do it, then it leads me to believe Mueller has nothing.

Two years shamelessly wasted by the DNC and the MSM just because the old mare they backed couldn't cross the finish line.

Again, did I miss anything?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Read this.

And remember ... the Saudis LOVE Trump, right?

Google Al Capone. Watch Wag the Dog.
YR you don't disappoint with pointless NONSENSE!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
YR you don't disappoint with pointless NONSENSE!! Originally Posted by bb1961
How was that pointless, my redstate friend?

Unless the OP’s question wasn’t a question at all, but rather another mewling rant.
How was that pointless, my redstate friend?

Unless the OP’s question wasn’t a question at all, but rather another mewling rant. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I'll give you the OP went two directions one regarding additional investigation which could be warranted and the bombshells. But regarding the bombshells, your link was wonderful support that there were none. Thanks.

From your article.

It did not reveal a new crime so severe, so dramatic, and so well documented that it would move Congress to commence impeachment proceedings and also convince enough Republican senators to turn against Trump so that there would be any likelihood of success or change Department of Justice policy on indicting the president. It did not provide evidence of direct collusion between Trump personally and Russia either.
It did show anyone watching what a dumb cow that idiot muzzie from Michigan, Tlaib, is.....

I guess I didn't miss anything.

No bombshells.

Still a lot of bluster, signifying nothing.
bamscram's Avatar
Only sad thing no republicans asked any questions to defend Trump, just attacked Cohen. It took a dem to ask about collusion.
Please stay on topic.

Was there any bombshells?

The only bombshell I heard was Cohen testified no collusion but we already knew that.
He said a lot of thins that exonerated the President, not that he needed it.

Probably the biggest “bombshell” was when Cohen emphatically stated he never wanted to work in the Whitehouse. Good grief, they have him on tape in an interview a few days after the 2016 election saying that exactly the opposite.

He lost track of his lies.
LexusLover's Avatar
Only sad thing no republicans asked any questions to defend Trump, just attacked Cohen. Originally Posted by bamscram
There's been no viable, credible accusation against Trump to defend.

When there is NO EVIDENCE of a crime presented, the smart lawyer asks no questions.