Illegal Ballot Harvesting a Looming Issue in Arizona

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Ballot harvesting is a related problem. This is the practice by which activist groups use publicly available lists of people who have requested early or absentee ballots and then go door-to-door collecting their ballots to be turned in at a polling place. Common sense tells us that letting activists get their hands on tens or hundreds of thousands of raw ballots is asking for trouble.

Ballot harvesting creates the opportunity and the incentive for the activists involved to intimidate voters, steal, alter, and even destroy ballots. It is not hard to imagine a situation in which an activist group from Party A targets voters registered in Party B and then destroys a percentage of the ballots they collect.

those groups should not even touch that person's ballot.
A person should show up, produce an ID, and vote.

Someone harvesting ballots looks sketchy to me.