FBI Green Dot

danceman's Avatar
I got the FBI Green Dot virus tonight. Seems to me it happened after I visited a providers website. It pops up a screen and you can do nothing. Rebooting does nothing. Comes up in a screen and can do nothing. It says its from the FBI and to "unlock" your computer pay the fine of $300, on line no less. Well, no money was spent from my checking account.

Anybody else have this? How do you get it? I did not download any programs or click OK to anything.

Just wondering.
You cleaned it already?
I had the same problem a few months ago. I updated my antivirus software and it took care of the problem. Hope that helps.
danceman's Avatar
Rebooted in safe mode. Then chose a restore point. When restore was finished ran a anti-virus program the search engine found. Found and deleted several files.
danceman's Avatar
Anybody know how the FBI Green Dot virus gets into a computer?
Trojan horse code from infected websites
danceman's Avatar
I am under the impression that if no files are downloaded a virus cannot get to your computer.

I did not download any files or click on OK to install anything. Sounds likes I have the wrong impression.
You don't have to download, most viruses find security breaches in everyday programs....java, adobe, I.e., etc. Keep them all updated you should be fine.