Paul Ryan admits that stimulus is needed to create jobs.
What a fucking joke; You have to reach back a decade ?There's a difference between making a promise and not being able to fulfll versus being for something and than all of a sudden you are so against it. Keep in ind how the fuck get Obama reduce deficit if all his bills were being blocked?
Obama has flip flopped on so many issues it isn't funny; how about his phony pledge 2009 to cut the defecit in half in his first term ?
Or the 2008 Obama statement that the Bush debt was "unpatriotic"....then Obama triples the Bush debt........being traitorious by Obama's standards one would think.
Your use of a 10 year old video to discredit Ryan; only discredits Obama more.
Which brings up another great line in the Ryan speech:
"The choice is whether to put hard limits on economic growth, or hard limits on the size of government, and we choose to limit government. " Originally Posted by Whirlaway