Boys behaving badly... Again

What ever is in the air, or water, the crazies are out!

Most of you are aware of what this is, our livelihoods! If you inquire with lady and are not comfortable with her rate, move on, Negotiation is tacky.

If you show up for a visit with a bag of yarn and ask a lady to knit socks with you, that is your choice. It's not about what you do so much in the visit as much as it is about the time you have requested to spend. If you are not comfortable with that, then find another hobby, this is not for you.

It's seems something is in the air lately, all these shenanigans guys are trying to pull.

I'm chandelier shopping online, I want something pretty over my table, do I see pretty chandeliers that I would like to have? Yes. I see many out of my budget. I'm not badgering the online store for a discount, nor am I mad at the chandelier.

I don't go grocery shopping, load up the cart and then tell the cashier what I'm going to pay and that's that! No, it doesn't work that way. Some guys.... Are something else!

The "play dumb"- pretend like you didn't know what this was
The "thinking with the little head"

This is not new news, but come on guys, you are supposed to be grown men, not adolescents.
This is not all, just keeping it short and sweet!

Ladies, help me out here
April, I agree with you 100%. Its hard to top what you have already said.
pyramider's Avatar
Posting taint photos will help the reduce the haggling ... just being short and sweet, much like my 1.3" of dangling death.
Seems as though some have mistaken the hobby for a yard sale or used car lot.

The deal gents, what we do is very intimate, extremely personal. It's your choice, no one is forcing you guys to do this, why be shitty to the ladies that really do try to show you a good time.

Pyramider, your dangling death and taint is quite lovely ;-)
the ladies that really do try to show you a good time.
..... Originally Posted by April Cox
You know any?
You know any? Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
Nah, none around here, how bout you? You know any?
SknyDiva's Avatar
You know any? Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
That is funny.
they are not crazy, theres nothing in the water...there just a bunch of cheap bastards...tell them they get what they pay for .....go down to streets and work a deal with a street walker..theres quality and theres cheap and some guys get them confused ..I hope a few bad apples don't spoil it for the rest of us !!
Precious_b's Avatar
I suspect a large number of ncns on the gents part is due to them price shopping and not having the courtesy to say they have changed their mind in a suitable amount of time.
To expound on what April said, it is every bit a personal and intimate experience. And we go to great lengths to make it is pleasurable as possible. From making ourselves beautiful and sexy, to making you feel like an old friend.
How can a woman feel sexy if the gent is asking for discounts and specials?
I don't know about you, my mortgage company doesn't offer ME discounts!
Arverni's Avatar
The "hagglers" can't get it anywhere else. They have to rely on the hobby as their only source of sexual gratification besides pron and Rosie Palm and her five sisters.

Seriously ... guys like to have sex at least twice a week. When you can't get it free, twice a week (or more) becomes expensive ... so they haggle. The dick attached them drives their brains to come up with creative ways to cheat a gal out of her time.

It's really as simple as that.

I think some men resent "pussy power" - and feel enslaved by it. I certainly feel enslaved by it but for me it's a sweet experience. I'm not "sub" (by any stretch of the imagination) - but I do "get off" on women having this power over me. If I can't afford a girl - I'll work overtime or something just to "earn" some time with her.

Other guys ... too lazy to do that. They resent the power and want it free - on demand. Then they "rationalize" their laziness by resorting to capitalistic arguments.

What I really laugh at - is the guys who THINK they know the business better than the girls. Can't tell you how many times I've seen a guy say ... "SHE IS NOT GONNA LAST IN THIS BUSINESS CHARGING THOSE GPS RATES!!"

And yet ... does anyone recall a single girl "folding up her shingle" because she couldn't get business at the rate she asked for? No? Neither have I. A girl charges $500 / hour I look at that and say ... "Well, she's looking for LOW VOLUME and she's looking for a certain kind of client."

Which brings me to the other thing. BP girls can charge $100 "specials" ... but those are girls who are pretty desperate and will go HIGH VOLUME to make their way and don't give a shit who walks through the door. He could be a pedophile, a rapist, a drunk ... all the same to the them.

ECCIE girls? In the neighborhood of $300 because they're picky. I know you April - there are even guys on ECCIE you won't see. You're not $60 "BNG" girl.

So any guy that needs to "haggle" with you - or the other girls - really is beneath you. You're out of those guy's league.

They belong in the BackPage "Minor Leagues" scanning for the cheap BNG"s ... or in strip bars trying to talk a stripper into a $100 "quickie".
Arverni's Avatar
The "hagglers" can't get it anywhere else. They have to rely on the hobby as their only source of sexual gratification besides pron and Rosie Palm and her five sisters.

Seriously ... guys like to have sex at least twice a week. When you can't get it free, twice a week (or more) becomes expensive ... so they haggle. The dick attached them drives their brains to come up with creative ways to cheat a gal out of her time.

It's really as simple as that.

I think some men resent "pussy power" - and feel enslaved by it. I certainly feel enslaved by it but for me it's a sweet experience. I'm not "sub" (by any stretch of the imagination) - but I do "get off" on women having this power over me. If I can't afford a girl - I'll work overtime or something just to "earn" some time with her.

Other guys ... too lazy to do that. They resent the power and want it free - on demand. Then they "rationalize" their laziness by resorting to capitalistic arguments.

What I really laugh at - is the guys who THINK they know the business better than the girls. Can't tell you how many times I've seen a guy say ... "SHE IS NOT GONNA LAST IN THIS BUSINESS CHARGING THOSE GPS RATES!!"

And yet ... does anyone recall a single girl "folding up her shingle" because she couldn't get business at the rate she asked for? No? Neither have I. A girl charges $500 / hour I look at that and say ... "Well, she's looking for LOW VOLUME and she's looking for a certain kind of client."

If you can't pay her rate ... then you are PRECISELY the kind of client she's trying to screen out. A lot of guys can't deal with that reality.

Which brings me to the other thing. BP girls can charge $100 "specials" ... but those are girls who are pretty desperate and will go HIGH VOLUME to make their way and don't give a shit who walks through the door. He could be a pedophile, a rapist, a drunk ... all the same to the them.

ECCIE girls? In the neighborhood of $300 because they're picky. I know you April - there are even guys on ECCIE you won't see. You're not a $60 "BNG" girl.

So any guy that needs to "haggle" with you - or the other girls - really is beneath you. You're out of those guy's league.

They belong in the BackPage "Minor Leagues" scanning for the cheap BNG"s ... or in strip bars trying to talk a stripper into a $100 "quickie".
Arverni's Avatar
By the way ... "haggling" says ... "I'm cheap and don't have much money."

Which means ... "I probably will order up the minimum amount of time and not leave a tip."

Well ... the fact is ... MONEY TALKS ... BULLSHIT WALKS.

A guy who can pay the full donation PLUS leave a tip - is gonna get a better experience. A guy who pays MORE than a girls rate - is gonna get a better experience.

Don't believe me? Next time you're in a Casino tip the cocktail waitress a $50. She will go out of her way to take care of you the rest of the night. Your drink won't run dry before she has another one for you. She'll lead you to the slots that she thinks are gonna pay off.

Ain't no different with an escort. Real "GFE" needs motivation ... either the "LOVE" motivation or the "$$" motivation. Not saying that you have to leave a tip - but paying the full rate without bitching or haggling is a great first step to conjuring up the motivation for a great session.
You know any? Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
That is funny. Originally Posted by SknyDiva
Hah....i got a million of them.
Nah, none around here, how bout you? You know any? Originally Posted by April Cox
I do.

But askin' prices in LA have gotten so high....that when I'm here, I just stay in my hotel room and read my NIV bible.

I'm not about to haggle
I still like Lea Maddison's thought
process the best.

I actually believe that anyone is entitled to ask me if I give a discount. Asking is fine... it is part of the free market system. If you can get a discount, good for you!

But, I don't call them out for it. It seems to present me to potential customers (not the one I am calling out but to others who might read what I am saying) in a less favorable light. And, if one is not worried about how one presents themselves, then you do not understand marketing!

I want all potential customers to see me as approachable.