Any Interest In A Pinup From Texas in Atlanta?

GenesisNicole's Avatar
Hello there!

I'm looking at my calendar and a map and trying to gauge if there is any interest in me visiting Atlanta?

I notice these forums don't move like the ones in Texas, so I'm not sure how useful this post may be. :/

Any and all useful guidance is needed, as I have no idea of the pro/con areas, nor if I would be welcomed in this area. *giggling*

I thank you, in advance, for your help. And hope this finds you all enjoying a lovely day!

Randall Creed's Avatar
Very nice
but I can't afford you.

Yeah, ATL's a bit tricky when it comes to eccie. It's making some strides here, but there's still a ways to go. I've hobbied in the midwest and here, and there's a stark difference in the regions.

Eccie's trying to do something here, but it's just slow moving.
nbattousai21's Avatar
Im interested as well, but ur outta my range as well
Carmelita DeLeón's Avatar
Try TER Beautiful
Its works great ...

Hello there!

I'm looking at my calendar and a map and trying to gauge if there is any interest in me visiting Atlanta?

I notice these forums don't move like the ones in Texas, so I'm not sure how useful this post may be. :/

Any and all useful guidance is needed, as I have no idea of the pro/con areas, nor if I would be welcomed in this area. *giggling*

I thank you, in advance, for your help. And hope this finds you all enjoying a lovely day!

Originally Posted by GenesisNicole
Try TER Beautiful
Its works great ... Originally Posted by Carmelita DeLeón
I thought TER was busted or maybe im wrong
GenesisNicole's Avatar
Try TER Beautiful
Its works great ... Originally Posted by Carmelita DeLeón

Thank you so much, Carmelita!!

Date check was busted.

TER is up last I checked.

I dislike them for reviews. I have had issues with them in the past