East vs. West Provider Face Off

awl4knot's Avatar
In order promote a greater sense of community, I am sugggesting a friendly competition between the eastern and western part of the Commonwealth in we match our favorite providers face-to-face, asset-to-asset.

Since it is difficult to rate intangibles such as personality and sevice, the entries will be evaluated solely on the basis of submitted pics. Please include the lady's name and a website link.

The Western Division includes all ladies to the left of the Susquehanna River, eastern Ohio and West Virginia.

The Eastern Conference is all of those lands to the right of the mighty Susquehnna, South Jersey and Delaware.

Ladies may self-nominate but only by posting pics, name and website link.

Scoring is at the discretion of the Commissioner, whose identity is secret to avoid crude bribery attempts.

Once someone picks up the gaunlet, I'll start the fray with an entry who will rock your socks off. Sweet!!
