This Is A Different Approach

I tried to read most of her manifesto, some of it was too small. I agree with some, but not on minimum wage. If you don't want to make minimum wage, then make yourself more valuable. Sam Colt made all men equal, not the minimum wage.
flamtaps's Avatar
It's much worse looking at that ad on your mobile.

....Ok, so who's going to call her?
lol, ... wasn't sure if that was a serious Ad or not but since it listed a twitter feed ... I was bored and on sabbatical, so checked it out. That chick is a looney tunes leftist who's obsessed with Mitch McConnell who just won election in Kentucky. If you scroll down a bit in the twitter feed ... its McConnell this, McConnell that ... pic-after-pic, crazy, stalkerish stuff. Man, glad I ain't him. Lots o looney tunes stuff like that too. Hates the police, hates Repubs, hates immigrants, hates just about everyone and everything as far as I could tell. (

Seriously, think she needs to learn that none of us guys are in the Hobby to make a political statement and don't care much about their politics either. What we want to know is "Are u hot, whats on the menu, and how much ? Pics, pics, and more pics. Not fake ones neither. Oh and do you like it up the ass? Pretty much everything else is ... naw, don't care ...
Well stated, IaDork.
The anti illegal immigrant thing really threw me. I thought lefties were all about open borders. Some Latino probably ran out without paying her.
Emmie's Avatar
  • Emmie
  • 11-11-2014, 07:45 PM
Wow, really that's all I can say.
livn2do's Avatar
I might just have to go fuck the liberal right outta her.