Durham kicked ass and took names


Durham set out to prove all the Russia lies and his success sent so many to jail. He wiped Trump’s enemies out. He killed it.

Great job by a great American. Durham for VP or President or a Medal of Freedom or something. Way to go. Attaboy. High Five.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-18-2022, 03:43 PM
Despite hopes by Trump supporters that the prosecutor would uncover a sweeping conspiracy within the FBI and other agencies to derail his candidacy, and then his presidency, the investigation over the course of more than three years failed to produce evidence that met those expectations. The sole conviction — an FBI agent admitted altering an email related to the surveillance of a former Trump aide — was for conduct uncovered not by Durham but by the Justice Department’s inspector general, and the two cases that Durham took to trials ended in across-the-board acquittals.

Jacuzzme's Avatar
LOL! He got the doj to admit attempting to bribe a guy, with a cool million, to verify what everyone with firing synapses knew was complete horseshit. He wouldn’t, and they used it anyways, lying to the FISA court, as a means to spy on a political opponent. Basically, he proved that the US is currently a police state.
LOL. Just exactly if showing one guy was bribed, even if fact, extend to PROVING that the US is a police state. Hyperbolic extension...look toward N Korea or the mideast if you want to know what a police state really is.
Admit a bribe. Lol. That’s a stupid interpretation. But unsurprising. Durham was a failure.
A recap.

The Country was put through the pure hell of a three year investigation trying to pin something on Donald Trump.

And it turns out the entire investigation was based on a lie propagated by Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

The “Swamp” wins.

And the Government by the Swamp, for the Swamp, and of the Swamp continues.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Nothing much worse than an arm chair lawyer, Inlessits a lawyer shown the truth and still fails to see it.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Admit a bribe. Lol. That’s a stupid interpretation. But unsurprising. Durham was a failure. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
That’s not an interpretation, it’s what happened.
Jackie, what exactly constitutes using the hyperbolic claim of putting the country through pure hell? Yeah WWI and WWII certainly qualify as pure hell....but this? Again, both sides share blame, but inflammatory rhetoric is a large part of today's problems and, again as independent, I personally think the extreme right is more guilty of this offense than the left. Stand down and stand by....LOL.
Durham's job is to investigate and squeeze witnesses when he's done he turns in his report. He's been slow walking the investigation until Jan when Republicans take over the house judiciary committee.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Jackie, what exactly constitutes using the hyperbolic claim of putting the country through pure hell? Yeah WWI and WWII certainly qualify as pure hell....but this? Again, both sides share blame, but inflammatory rhetoric is a large part of today's problems and, again as independent, I personally think the extreme right is more guilty of this offense than the left. Stand down and stand by....LOL. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Yeah, if Trump supporters actually think that is "pure hell", I highly doubt they comprehend the definition of the meaning.

I watched "60 Minutes" on Sunday while I was waiting for my sorry ass Cowboys to play. The 1st story was about the senseless murders by the Russian troops of 468 civilians in a town in Ukraine. Many of them were shot in the back, tied up and tortured and shot in the head or picked off by snipers while just going about their day. That is my definition of "pure hell".

Let's not be dramatic about a big mouth scumbag like Trump. He brings a lot of this shit on himself with his crooked bullshit and ridiculous accusations that his followers are foolish enough to believe. If the man would learn to shut the fuck up and to stop spreading lies, I'm sure the government would leave his stupid old fat ass alone.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Yeah, if Trump supporters actually think that is "pure hell", I highly doubt they comprehend the definition of the meaning.

I watched "60 Minutes" on Sunday while I was waiting for my sorry ass Cowboys to play. The 1st story was about the senseless murders by the Russian troops of 468 civilians in a town in Ukraine. Many of them were shot in the back, tied up and tortured and shot in the head or picked off by snipers while just going about their day. That is my definition of "pure hell".

Let's not be dramatic about a big mouth scumbag like Trump. He brings a lot of this shit on himself with his crooked bullshit and ridiculous accusations that his followers are foolish enough to believe. If the man would learn to shut the fuck up and to stop spreading lies, I'm sure the government would leave his stupid old fat ass alone. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

What does any of that mindless babble have to do with the ops topic?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
The OP's topic was about another one of Trump's flunkies failing as usual. The OP's comments were sarcastic about that fact. My last paragraph that you consider "mindless babble" refers to the topic and the rest was about "pure hell" by a Trump supporter's post. Any other questions?
Precious_b's Avatar
Yup. Stating "pure hell" in supporting the OP here definitely shows what a country full of babies we are. We no longer deserve to call the French surrender monkeys. We have surrendered our common sense.

Our parents parents would look at us with disgust.
matchingmole's Avatar
The Durtham investigation has been pure heaven......unless you happen to be a Trumptard.