Is our military leaders for sale? I mean we know Mike Flynn was...

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  • WTF
  • 10-19-2022, 11:26 AM

Under the Emoluments Clause Restrictions, the Consitution states that retired US military personnel, which generally applies to those who served at least 20 years in uniform and are eligible to receive a pension, cannot receive consulting fees, gifts, jobs, or titles from foreign governments without expressed approval from Congress.

The Post found however that approval is almost always granted. Out of the 500 requests since 2015, about 95% were approved. The Post also reported that some people negotiated jobs with foreign governments during active service.

There is no penalty for violating the law and enforcement is rare, according to the publication.

One of the more prolific cases of a former US military officer being penalized for accepting fees from a foreign government was Michael Flynn, the former national security advisor to Donald Trump.
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  • WTF
  • 10-19-2022, 11:30 AM
An investigation by the Defense Department found that Flynn received about $450,000 from Russian and Turkish sources in 2015, a year after he retired from the Army, according to The Post.

Flynn pled guilty in December 2017 for lying to the FBI about his ties to a Russian ambassador. Trump pardoned Flynn in November 2020.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

An investigation by the Defense Department found that Flynn received about $450,000 from Russian and Turkish sources in 2015, a year after he retired from the Army, according to The Post.

Flynn pled guilty in December 2017 for lying to the FBI about his ties to a Russian ambassador. Trump pardoned Flynn in November 2020. Originally Posted by WTF

Not big on conspiracies, but I'm holding steady on Turkey being a key to the four-year dumpster fire that was. No proof or evidence; aside from what is out there. Not X-files "out there", but in the public record "out there." Not "out there" like far fetched out there, just out. There.

Accepted Turkish involvement during the dumpster-fire-sale. Accepted as in "given and agreeable facts." Flynn, Turkey and John Bolton. Let's get all deep throat in here!

Was the Executive for sale?
oilfieldace's Avatar
An investigation by the Defense Department found that Flynn received about $450,000 from Russian and Turkish sources in 2015, a year after he retired from the Army, according to The Post.

Flynn pled guilty in December 2017 for lying to the FBI about his ties to a Russian ambassador. Trump pardoned Flynn in November 2020. Originally Posted by WTF
Was Trump President in 2015? Don’t worry Biden (Joe) will also be pardoned by Trump.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Wasn’t the Post one of the major speakers of all the lies spread about Trump and Russia. Sounds like a perfect place to get your info from
HedonistForever's Avatar
Wait till Republicans prove the millions given to the Biden crime family from China.

Since Biden is Commander-in-Chief, I figured he is a military leader, right?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Hurry up and wait, said Durham.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-20-2022, 02:45 PM
Wait till Republicans prove the millions given to the Biden crime family from China.

Since Biden is Commander-in-Chief, I figured he is a military leader, right? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
This thread is not about Biden...
eccieuser9500's Avatar
This thread is not about Biden... Originally Posted by WTF

DSOTY early contender. Let's hear it for . . . Mr. Whataboutism!
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Ripmany's Avatar
The Commander in Chief so he's a military leader if you have to say so.