Screening Question

I was in Dallas for a last second trip and reached out to a provider who was advertising on tryst. Only a few reviews but she was my type so I reached out to her. She wanted a selfie and a pic of my ID for screening. I sent her a selfie and a pic of my DL but I crossed out my birthday, last name, street address and DL number. I also sent her my P411 ID with 18 okay's and 10 year history.

She wanted my DL with my full name and birthday. Is this normal in Dallas? I thought that this was WAY too personal. Am I being too paranoid?
Bushjumper's Avatar
No. With as many ladies as are on P411, that's the only 'fishing' hole' I drop my line in. There 18 OKs & a 10 year history will mean something.
Of course that's my opinion.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
If a provider wants a DL for screening, tell her she must let you see her DL before you give her your donation. Fair is fair, right?

I do not know see how having a DL with the everything covered up but the pic is a good screening method, maybe one of the providers who do that for their screening can enlighten us. That is why when I see an ad or a provider tells me in communication they want more than the 200+ provider OKs I have on P411 for screening, especially if it is my RW identifiable info, I pass on her.

Other than outing guys, which has been done by several providers in the past who feel jaded by a negative intel, giving a provider RW info really serves no other purpose.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Every lady has a different level of expectation for screening.

Its up to each gentleman to decide where their personal line is.
corona's Avatar
Every lady has a different level of expectation for screening.

Its up to each gentleman to decide where their personal line is. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
pretty much this. That's too much for me. I don't need you trying to find me in my real world life, and that's all that information would be used for IMO.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
I never get the ID thing either and what does a pic do as for screeing ?

Sometimes I get guys right off the bat sending me his ID with 2 fingers holding up , I never asked for his ID .. Makes me think that some lower hagging fruit providers feel this is screening ..

As for P411 and having Okays lets say over 5 and she on P411 should be a the bast way to screen, all she needs to do is ask about the gent from the 5 or less providers and get a refes check , that's what I do . But that's just me ,
every provider has her own way to screen.
I guess it is a personal choice, BUT if you are asking
I am against giving out any personal information like DL / Linkin / Facebook
Some lady’s ask for selfie and nothing else. Would you guys be comfortable with that?
SoriyaLynn's Avatar
Yes that's way too much.....
HotShot2's Avatar
Some lady’s ask for selfie and nothing else. Would you guys be comfortable with that? Originally Posted by Flyer787
Depends, I would take take that selfie you were going to send her, put it in here, and be comfortable with the output.
The only effective screening method is something that proves the person has had sessions before: men screen women by looking for evidence that other men have seen that woman, and vice versa, women screen men by looking for evidence that other women have seen that man.

Some women ask for a guy to provide an ID or a selfie, but this only proves his appearance (especially race and age), not whether or not he's LE. Women might use this screening method to be picky about what clients they see. But as for avoiding LE, it's completely ineffective -- nothing more than security theater.

Some women ask for personal information to screen, like a business card or a LinkedIn profile. This is too invasive. No man or woman wants to be harassed, stalked, or blackmailed, which is why we all prefer discreetness and anonymity. The guys who go along with these screening methods are usually either naive or just have nothing of value to lose.