From powelineblog.com

The long-simmering feud between Barack Obama and Israel “burst into the open,” as the Financial Times put it, when Benjamin Netanyahu criticized the Obama administration’s soft line on Iran, and Obama responded by refusing to meet with Netanyahu when the Prime Minister is in New York later this month. The White House claimed Obama couldn’t fit a trip to New York into his schedule, but Netanyahu also reportedly offered to come to Washington to meet with the president.

So Obama’s schedule must be really, really full; too full to meet with the prime minister of our only ally in a region where today, an American embassy and an American consulate came under attack by hostile mobs praising al Qaeda, and at least one American official reportedly is dead. Obama must be reserving his time for matters that are really pressing, more pressing than Iran and the Middle East.

Sure. Like hanging out with the Pimp with the Limp, DJ Laz, on Miami radio.

The self-proclaimed Pimp was hit with a felony weapons charge in 1993 and was charged with larceny and a probation violation in 1997. Obviously the kind of guy Obama should cultivate in preference to the Prime Minister of Israel. But then, Obama has never seemed interested in fulfilling the actual duties of his office. As Peggy Noonan memorably wondered, why does Obama want to be re-elected? If he really wanted to be president, he could be the president now. Maybe the answer is that he is looking forward to November so he can get back to working on his golf game.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
From powelineblog.com

The long-simmering feud between Barack Obama and Israel “burst into the open,” as the Financial Times put it, when Benjamin Netanyahu criticized the Obama administration’s soft line on Iran, and Obama responded by refusing to meet with Netanyahu when the Prime Minister is in New York later this month. The White House claimed Obama couldn’t fit a trip to New York into his schedule, but Netanyahu also reportedly offered to come to Washington to meet with the president.

So Obama’s schedule must be really, really full; too full to meet with the prime minister of our only ally in a region where today, an American embassy and an American consulate came under attack by hostile mobs praising al Qaeda, and at least one American official reportedly is dead. Obama must be reserving his time for matters that are really pressing, more pressing than Iran and the Middle East.

Sure. Like hanging out with the Pimp with the Limp, DJ Laz, on Miami radio.

The self-proclaimed Pimp was hit with a felony weapons charge in 1993 and was charged with larceny and a probation violation in 1997. Obviously the kind of guy Obama should cultivate in preference to the Prime Minister of Israel. But then, Obama has never seemed interested in fulfilling the actual duties of his office. As Peggy Noonan memorably wondered, why does Obama want to be re-elected? If he really wanted to be president, he could be the president now. Maybe the answer is that he is looking forward to November so he can get back to working on his golf game.

O Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You whore. Oh, you dirty whore.
But time for a Letterman appearance.
you get more coverage there...
And its a cool media gig with no heavy lifting and fawning audience ; beats doing the serious business of governing.

you get more coverage there... Originally Posted by ekim008
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Fuck Israel. If those dumbass Jews are crazy enough to stay in that part of the world with all the crazy sand niggers, let them defend themselves.

He's met with that asshole before and was totally disrespected. How dare the leader of a country of 8 million challenge the authority of a leader of 300 million.

We've been taking it up the ass from those Jewtards long enough. We should deny Netanyahu a visa and let him stay over there and tough it out on his own.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Hey, go back to 1930s Germany from whence you came and probably still couldn't get laid.
joe bloe's Avatar
Fuck Israel. If those dumbass Jews are crazy enough to stay in that part of the world with all the crazy sand niggers, let them defend themselves.

He's met with that asshole before and was totally disrespected. How dare the leader of a country of 8 million challenge the authority of a leader of 300 million.

We've been taking it up the ass from those Jewtards long enough. We should deny Netanyahu a visa and let him stay over there and tough it out on his own. Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
Thanks for exposing yourself as an anti-semite. Most liberals are more subtle about it. It's funny how anger can reveal the truth.
Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 09-12-2012, 11:00 AM
Fuck Israel. If those dumbass Jews are crazy enough to stay in that part of the world with all the crazy sand niggers, let them defend themselves.

He's met with that asshole before and was totally disrespected. How dare the leader of a country of 8 million challenge the authority of a leader of 300 million.

We've been taking it up the ass from those Jewtards long enough. We should deny Netanyahu a visa and let him stay over there and tough it out on his own. Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
Someone needs to get a clue. Israel is America's number one allie. Obama has accepted and brought on disrespect to himself.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Not Ant-Semitic, only realistic. What happened yesterday in Libya and Egypt just reinforces that all white-skinned people need to get as far away from that cesspool as possible. All the ECCIE blowhards and cornholers and whirlygigs do is sit here and armchair quarterback a situation that poses no danger to them. None of you cocksuckers would live over there, at least that shows you do have a little common sense to go along with your stupidity...
Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 09-12-2012, 11:14 AM
Not Ant-Semitic, only realistic. What happened yesterday in Libya and Egypt just reinforces that all white-skinned people need to get as far away from that cesspool as possible. All the ECCIE blowhards and cornholers and whirlygigs do is sit here and armchair quarterback a situation that poses no danger to them. None of you cocksuckers would live over there, at least that shows you do have a little common sense to go along with your stupidity... Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
So you think
it reflects how obama lets his personal feelings and animus get in the way of what is the professional thing to do and what is in america's best interest.

obama has a history of reflexive talk and hot headed reaction that reveals his inner self

from the gates affair to trevon to paul ryan to mcain and obama's disregard at the so-called health care summit and now to this..its shows an arrogance born of personal belief fueled by character flaws

but then again there is always the option its part of obama's plan to bring america down a few pegs