The question is too broad. Before we can help, you'll need to give us something to work with.
Originally Posted by Ansley
1. How much do you fly each year?
* 1-2/mo. ~ 12-24/yr
2. What locations do you fly in? Just the United States or globally?
- Mostly the states, 3-4 international/yr typically the Americas, Central, Carribean, Canada and South America. Haven't had to go across the pond lately.
3. How far do you typically fly? Depends on the need two remaining flights before the end of the year.
- 1.1k miles one way ~2.5 hr flight 1 person. [This would be a waste]
- 1.5k miles one way ~4 hr flight 4 people. [This is the problem I'm trying to solve for. Think road trip or Vacation, with your family and/or closest friends but instead of an RV, avoid TSA and fly on your own schedule.]
Doing my own research, requesting quotes and starting to get ballpark figures. Can you believe they charge you to land the plane, WTF? It's like a $12.00 fee? Is that a landing gear maintenance cost?
4. How many people will be flying with you? See #3.
I think I get the idea now. I was just wondering if anyone had any preferences like Delta vs. United. I see you're located in Atlanta Delta's HQ, please PM me with any insights you may have I wont be tracking this thread anymore.
@pyramider, lol butt buddies really? The Seinfeld reference, hilarious.