Multi Hour Dates?

black5uperman's Avatar
So I'm thinking of a mutli hour date but my last one wasn't so great so thought I would ask ladies and guys...

ladies do you offer/like longer dates? experiences?

guys do you like longer dates? Experiences?

thanks ahead of time for all input
rrath's Avatar
  • rrath
  • 06-14-2012, 08:45 PM
depends....I personally love 'em.....dinner, movies....then coming home or to their place to wrap things up. Makes for a great evening.
GentlemanCaller007's Avatar
Well black5uper, I would only do a longer session with a Provider I had seen before and REALLY like (e.g. Angel Grace, !!Layla Angelique!!, CG4U) Then it's almost impossible for it to be mediocre and for you to be disappointed.

When you book longer sessions you have more at risk. If you have a blasse time you've just spent 2x as much for it and suffered through 2x of it...
Even an hour seems too long to me with a so-so, semi-GFE Provider.

For the so-so (and CBJers), I'd rather just do a half hour, take care of biz, and leave.

However longer sessions have a VERY different feel to them. You can RELAX more and really "soak up the atmosphere" and her personality\vibe\spirit.
Time passes more slowly and the experience seems more memorable for some reason (saturation?)

I don't have the kind of crazy $$ where I could burn it by booking an overnight or all dayer. To me when I look at a package and see $600 or more, I know she would be awesome, but too many other things compete and take precedence. Heck for $1000 your talking about an 40+ LED TV you could mount on your wall and have forever vs dinner etc....

Now if I was an executive with expense accounts, a paid hotel room, and regularly blew $1000 on Golf trips and parties, well then hell ya I'd be droppin money bookin VLB for a week at a time and skipping off in my leer jet to the Caribean... -Sigh- But alas, I'll just have to settle for my reality - an hour.
raedy4funn45's Avatar
I've done a few multi hour dates, but only after meeting them once before.
As more of a relaxed sensual person, I like really taking my time...sharing some amazing mind blowing...conversation, before we slowly...get more comfortable. So yes 2-3 hours easily fly by

Then again, if you don't feel any chemistry/connection with hour can feel like forever. And not in a good way
Ive done them with both people I know and people I dont know. When I dont know them they get the multi hr cause they usually wanna go to a concert, or dinner and a movie and then the "date," so it isnt like we're in the room for hrs and it's awkward because we just met. If u plan on just doing the session part for a few hrs, yes, you should go with someone you already connect with for sure
black5uperman's Avatar
when I did it I booked four hours had a little over a hour at dinner and drinks then heade.d to her incall and had the "date" she was tired and re ady for me to leave when I still had two hours left was upset. and she was way undressed at dinner and not in the maybe good way.
With multi hour dates, its much better with someone you have chemistry with. Start the night with some BCD fun, THEN do dinner/movie etc & then end the night with a romp in the sheets. Unfortunately, the longer the date the more apparent missing chemistry will become.
I have always had a blast w multi hr dates. They are what I prefer. My regs and I are very close due to the amount of time spent. I wouldn't have it any other way in a perfect world.
Love 'em! In April, I took my fave out on a dinner date that started with my picking her up just after 5:30 at her incall. She walked out to my car in a colorful yet elegant, figure-flattering dress and a classic pair of tan patent leather heels. After mojitos, dinner, and espressos at an upscale restaurant, we headed back to her incall. Amazing how quickly time flies when one is enjoying oneself: I kissed her good night and walked out to my car at 10:23, almost five hours after I'd picked her up. Everything was perfect -- my date, the dinner, the weather, the sex. Took my first-ever Aegean cruise that evening.

Sorry your experience was lackluster or worse; I'm not sure why. Was this your first-ever encounter with this provider; or have you seen her multiple times -- but for for a half-hour each? IMO, even under the latter circumstances, you really can't size up whether she and you have "chemistry."

Before the dinner date, I'd known my fave for over a year, and spent at least a half dozen sessions (I've lost count) in her company -- each scheduled for 60/90 minutes, but often lasting longer, and all absolutely toe-curling. By this point, I knew we not only had "chemistry", but also felt confident she'd dress in a way that would turn heads in public without embarrassing me.

Another factor: We've always been not only respectful, but considerate, of each other from a "business" standpoint. She's not a "clock watcher", but I always ask first if she's all right with the time, if we're on the brink of running over schedule. And if it's significantly over, I tip generously.

For the dinner date, I quoted her a flat (vice hourly) rate for the evening and asked her whether the amount was fair; she agreed. Since she has "real life" commitments, I asked her once or twice, BCD, whether we were all right, time-wise. And she assured me that we were fine. Needless to say, I tipped generously as I was leaving.
black5uperman's Avatar
@Gray it was not my first experience with her but forsure was my last. We always had fun and we talked about a longer date for sometime. So I really didn't get

I just hope my next choice goes better and will for sure have to be with someone I feel super strong chemistry with.

All the ladies that commented alreadyI think I'm going to have to test them out cause all on the todo list.

@ Ladies be warned I'm will be looking to do my in the field research as soon as I get sometime home.

Also I always hear great things about CG4U might have to try that too lol
I actually prefer and specialize in multi-hour sessions that are never dull. 30 minute sessions often don't do takes that long for me to enjoy and learn your body! I can't stand feeling rushed and ran through. I call that the BUDE - Blow up Doll Experience - and that I CANT offer lol
black5uperman's Avatar
Honestly sometimes all I want is a BUDE. Sometimes I just want her to lay there and me do what I want to her, love the control. But signs of me doing a good job are welcomed
foxyred73's Avatar
yes i do
GentlemanCaller007's Avatar
@Gray it was not my first experience with her but forsure was my last. We always had fun and we talked about a longer date for sometime. So I really didn't get Originally Posted by black5uperman
Hmmmm. If you had several visits before and had such a good time that you wanted multi-hour, I would tend to think that she just had a really bad day and just let her "A Game" slip. Which is unfortunate because now, as witnessed, she has damaged her relationship with you.

If you really liked her maybe you could go back for a "regular length" session and see if she's "gone back to normal", then maybe you could just be open about your feelings and say, "what happened that day??" Then maybe she would open up like she should have in the first place.

Or not. You could also just move on...

But yeah, ultimately, EVERY meeting is a gamble. Some Providers just have MUCH better odds than others. But along life's perfect planning, shit happens.