Newlywed Couple

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A newlywed couple checked into a quiet, out-of-the way lakeside
hotel. The clerk and the bellhop tip broad winks at each other, smiling
in anticipation of the honeymoon antics to
come. But lo and behold, in the middle of the newlywed's first
night, who but the groom tromps down the stairs fully laden with his
fishing gear! The manager can't believe it. This happens again on the
second night and again on the third night. The manager can contain his
curiosity no longer.
"Your fishing in the middle of the night on your honeymoon?
Why aren't you making love to your new wife?"
The groom looked bewildered when he first heard the question from
the motel manager. "Make love to her? Oh no, I couldn't do that. She's
got gonorrhea."
Embarrassed silence. Oh. Well, what about anal sex?" the manager
"Oh no, I couldn't do that. She's got diarrhea!"
"I see," the manager said. "Well, there is always oral sex."
"Oh no. She's got pyorrhea as well!"
"Gonorrhea, diarrhea, and pyorrhea! Why, may I ask, did you marry
"Because she also has worms and I just love to fish!"