Oklahoma/ Worldwide Earthquakes

Okay Oklahoma just got rocked by another 4.7 earthquake along with tornadoes on the ground.

Japan got hit by 2 earthquakes at about the same time registering 6.9 Northeast of Taiwan and the other was 5.2 near Izu Islands, Japan region

The one in the Dominic Republic was 3.8
The one near Indonesia registered 5.1 it was in the Savu Sea Region about 79 miles from Flores Indonesia

What is everyone thoughts on what the heck is going on with all these earthquakes and crazy weather?

I have heard everything from Fracking from the oil and gas companies, natural occurrences, End of the World/Gods Wrath, I could go on

I have no idea I just find it interesting that with in the last hour or so they have had multiple earthquakes through out the world.

The one in Oklahoma has been felt as far as Ft Riley.

Anybody feel anything where they live.

Stay safe everyone and have fun
Jazzer's Avatar
felt it here - thought it was the storm at first...crazy!
I felt it Saturday night but thought it was the train until I saw facebook. Tonight I just figured it was from the storm. very crazy indeed
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
The OK ones are VERY shallow, 3-5 km under the surface. That's a fraction of where they usually generate from. It makes a feller wonder.
Starry69's Avatar
2012 is almost here...
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 11-08-2011, 08:50 AM
Did you hear the Reps in the house tried to pass a bill to name the earthquake that hit the DC area "Obamas Fault"? Boehner put a stop to it because the cost of proposing a bill is in the six figures. Plus it would never pass anyway.

Phelps would probably say that these earthquakes are a sign that God hates Fags.

Didn't know you could feel them here in KC. I wouldn't know what an earthquake was if it knocked me on my ass.
PowerMonkey's Avatar
Hell I thought God was upset with K-State losing to OSU so he created couple of earthquakes to show his displeasure.
Given how shallow the OK earthquakes are, they are probably being caused by fracking. Arkansas saw a huge uptick in earthquake activity (very minor ones, barely registering 1-2 on the richter scale), until they put a stop to fracking. Coincidentally, the seismic activity returned to normal levels once they stopped fracking.

Having said all that, I felt the one Saturday night, and the one last night - what a trip! Blew me away. I was all "why the hell is my building shaking! WTF!!!! Hold still dammit!!!!!" lol
dirty dog's Avatar
Given how shallow the OK earthquakes are, they are probably being caused by fracking. Arkansas saw a huge uptick in earthquake activity (very minor ones, barely registering 1-2 on the richter scale), until they put a stop to fracking. Coincidentally, the seismic activity returned to normal levels once they stopped fracking.

Having said all that, I felt the one Saturday night, and the one last night - what a trip! Blew me away. I was all "why the hell is my building shaking! WTF!!!! Hold still dammit!!!!!" lol Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh

Are you sure, I dont know about that people have been fracking for years and it never shook a building............. Just playin
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
Are you sure, I dont know about that people have been fracking for years and it never shook a building............. Just playin Originally Posted by dirty dog

You've been doing it wrong.
ss4699's Avatar

New Madrid fault underlies much of that area.
The 1811-1812 New Madrid earthquakes (pronounced /nuː ˈmędrɨd/) were an intense intraplate earthquake series beginning with an initial pair of very large earthquakes on December 16, 1811. These earthquakes remain the most powerful earthquakes ever to hit the eastern United States in recorded history.[1] These events, as well as the seismic zone of their occurrence, were named for the Mississippi River town of New Madrid, then part of the Louisiana Territory, now within Missouri.
There are estimates that the earthquakes were felt strongly over roughly 130,000 square kilometres (50,000 sq mi), and moderately across nearly 3 million square kilometers (1 million square miles). The historic 1906 San Francisco earthquake, by comparison, was felt moderately over roughly 16,000 square kilometres (6,200 sq mi).
Shogun2000's Avatar
I felt the one last Saturday night. At first, I thought that maybe the washing machine was out of balance, but then realized that it wasn't on the spin cycle. A very light rocking motion is what I felt. My shower door and ceiling fans were also moving slightly.

I blame it all on COG.
Carole King wrote about Oklahoma in a song;

I feel the earth move under my feet

I feel the sky tumbling down

Earthquakes and tornadoes?

Now DD have you never been told; "I felt the earth move?"
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I admit it. I was a little under the weather, so I took a laxative. When it worked, boy it worked!
The Archer's Avatar
I almost asked the lady I was with to marry me, then thank goodness I realized it wasn't because of her.