Remember Solyndra?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Now they want bonuses. Your tax dollars at work.

Fast Gunn's Avatar
No way they deserve any kind of bonus for fucking up the company,

. . . but they might deserve an award for having the brass balls to even ask for a bonus with a straight face!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Fast gun do some research. These bonuses are for some mid-level technical people about 21 in all. They didn't do anything to the company. I don't believe in giving them bonuses with taxpayer money but the original problem was the business plan. The people who thought that up got their bonuses last year. Maybe you missed that. Like they say, a fish rots from the head.
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 01-14-2012, 05:52 PM
Remember Enron? Worldcom? Lehman Brothers?
Remember Enron? Worldcom? Lehman Brothers? Originally Posted by KCJoe
Yeah. How much US tax dollars were invested and lost in those, KC?

Not that I'm a proponent of fraud and SEC malfeasance...Oh *SNAP* remember MF Global?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Wouldn't it be nice to have a President who wanted to serve the people instead of rich buddies? I think the last one like that was, hmmm . . . George Washington?
What rich buddies did Lincoln serve?

What rich buddies did Eisenhower serve?

Enquiring minds want to know COG.
What rich buddies did Lincoln serve?

What rich buddies did Eisenhower serve?

Enquiring minds want to know COG. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

they, whoever they are, just discovered a check lincoln wrote, i think it might have been the day before he was shot.

it was made out to himself for $800. That was a tidy sum to receive in cash in 1865..... wondering if he had an HDH?

used an online inflation would only let me go back to 1913 so its not correct but according to the inflation calculator i used, $800 in 1913 would equate to $18,281 and change in 2011. had a big week planned?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Never gave it a thought would you cite that creepy little piece of news?

Of course, it was the end of a terrible war and maybe some celebration was in order. You need to remember that a president didn't have the resources that today's presidents have. No pension after office and usually no job giving speeches for money. Didn't get to be on any boards or non-profits. If they weren't men of means when they left the White House times could be lean. Any party that was thrown at the White House would have to be paid for by Lincoln. The bank was closed on the day Lincoln was assassinated as it was Good Friday.
Never gave it a thought would you cite that creepy little piece of news? . Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Try googling lincolns check that might get you there
I B Hankering's Avatar
Never gave it a thought would you cite that creepy little piece of news? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It's out there, but there is not one hint as to what the money was to be used for. Lincoln was prescient, maybe the money was for funeral expenses.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I googled it before I wrote what I wrote but I would like someone to cite their source for something so out of left field. There can be so many sources (mine was a St. Louis newspaper) with so many different conclusions.

I wonder, is google supposed to be capitallized or is it accepted as a verb now? Should we ask our resident expert?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Nope, WW's right. I also left out William Henry Harrison and Millard Fillmore. I also don't think Jefferson or Madison raided the treasury for their buddies either, but since at least 1965, that has been the tradition.