A tragedy

Not wanting to miss out on the ratings bonanza being generated by the soap opera known as the GOP/Tea Party Debates, Israel and the Holy Land Foundation partnered to snare yet another debate.

Despite protests from Romney that he could see where Jesus walked in St. Louis, the entire contingent was treated to a bus trip to religious sites and an evening dinner cruise near Jerusalem.

Tragically, the boat sank and there were no survivors. In their efforts to cooperate with grieving relatives and government officials, both the Israelis and the Holy Land people offered to conduct services and entomb the bodies there in the cradle of Christianity for $10 each.

U.S. officials computed that the cost per individual would be millions of dollars to bring them home yet in what seemed like more wasteful government spending, the U.S. decided to ship the bodies home.

When pressed for an explanation, a senior GOP party official lamented the poor recent debate performances and said, "A little over 2,000 years ago they buried someone there and three days later, he arose from the dead.”

Continuing, he said, “With these people, K Street and the Super PACS voted and they just don't want to take that chance."
TheDaliLama's Avatar
A tragedy is when a bus full of eccie Liberals goes off a cliff and Fast Gunn is not on it.
Au Contraire, your wholiness (misspelled in honor of your handle).

The real tragedy is breaking your spell checker BEFORE you picked out your handle.

Sometimes, even the smartest liberal cannot push a Teapublican's IQ above room temperature digits even when trying to be helpful.

I B Hankering's Avatar
Au Contraire, your wholiness (misspelled in honor of your handle).

The real tragedy is breaking your spell checker BEFORE you picked out your handle.

Sometimes, even the smartest liberal cannot push a Teapublican's IQ above room temperature digits even when trying to be helpful.

Originally Posted by Little Stevie
Once again you have demonstrated why you are the reigning, pompous asshole on the board - dumbass.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Just be careful what you wish for, bubba.

If I was on the bus I would make sure it would run squarely over your rickety no-account ass.

. . . Then I'd back it up to make sure I didn't miss any vital organs, but I know I'd probably still miss the miniscule brain between the tire threads!

A tragedy is when a bus full of eccie Liberals goes off a cliff and Fast Gunn is not on it. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
cptjohnstone's Avatar
A tragedy is when a bus full of eccie Liberals goes off a cliff and Fast Gunn is not on it. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
+ little stevie