Encounter: Thai Me Na

User ID: -
Date: 7/1/22
Name: Thai Me Na
Phone: 737.615.9159
Email Address: N/a
URL / Website: https://www.models-world.com/texas/baby-2/
City: Austin
State: Texas
Address: North Austin
Activities: FBSM, BBBJ, NE, CFS
Hair Length and Color: Dark and long to about middle of back
Age: 30s?
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Those of you familiar with her in the past will recognize her. Pics are a few years old but she still looks great. English is good but she worries about it. Long dark hair to about the middle of her back, nice full lips with a great smile, D's, added some covid weight but still fit/firm.
Recommendation: Yes
nihao's Avatar
  • nihao
  • 07-19-2022, 09:37 AM
She sounds like fun

Originally Posted by Mxcnfck69
BigBamboo's Avatar
She sounds like fun
Originally Posted by nihao
How tall is she?
BigBamboo's Avatar
How tall is she? Originally Posted by JuniorTexas
She seems short to me. Maybe 5’2”.