Guess Who moved to San Antonio!?!? ME!! Shocker!! Right?!

Dakota123's Avatar
Just thought I would let you know, since I have had dozens of people say that they will come see me when I "return..."

I am just letting you know that I am here to stay for now that is.... LOL unless of course Amelia convinces me to move to some tropical oasis

I do hope that some of you would come see me that may have thought that I don't live here....

But that is all that I wanted to say

I have had a great experience since moving here in January. Thank you to all the great gentleman that I have met You all have been very very welcoming...

Travelingbro's Avatar
FootLong's Avatar
Congrats on making the "right" decision!
pickupkid's Avatar
I''m glad you're here Sweete
DallasRain's Avatar
congrats sugar!!!
That is great news. You have been here since January? Shows how observant I've been. I look forward to meeting you
Dakota123's Avatar
Thank you I have been here since January 2nd to be exact I hope to meet more great people. I have already met so many good people so far

I have gotten many messages from gentleman on here that say "Ill have to wait til the next time you are in town.... or... I need to wait to til you return... ect..."

I moved here
I love it... my allergies suck... but I love it here..... such warm people
bamatide's Avatar
I'm so glad you are staying in San Antonio
Hopefully we have some refreshments together
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 03-30-2013, 09:00 PM
May your time here in SA be Safe, Fun and Prosperous!

Very glad to have you here!
levi tab's Avatar
I guess some don't read threads often enough or some read them too often

Welcome Home again sugar, I hope you have enjoyed the City so far
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Derrrp! Guilty! I thought you were still ping-ponging from The Metroplex and back.

I did not know that you actually moved to our charming little city.

Well, Welcome home, neighbor!

Allergies suck rabbit nuts! Uggh!

F'real, you need to get some local honey. (heh! yeah, that kind too!), but seriously, go to The Pearl Farmer's Market, or just Bing; "Local honey in San Antonio" and find the listings for beekeepers, and where you can get some. It HAS to be local honey because it's likely that your allergies are simply Hay Fever and your body is having an allergic reaction to the area's pollen...which is strongest in Spring and Summer.

The prevailing theory is that honey works like a vaccination.

Vaccines introduce dummy versions of a particular virus or germ into the body and effectively trick it into believing it's been invaded, triggering an immune system response
.(allergic reaction)

Well local honey contains many of those same pollen spores, and by introducing small amounts of these into your body, through the consumption of honey, your body builds a tolerance for its presence and over time, lessens the likelihood of your body reacting from that trigger.

It worked for me. I had allergies really bad so bad that I'd have to get shots regularly.

Now I'm not a Medical Doctor and I'm not trying to pretend to be one. However, I would be more than happy to give you/your body a personal, up-close, physical inspection, and conduct some physical examinations of my own, on you, if you'd like? We'd be testing many things.. your heart rate, your lung capacity, as well as various others...such as; physical tests, endurance tests, dexterity drills...limberness, and probably some vocal gasping/moaning hard-breathing drills and, of course, the all important, nakedity test.

So if this sounds like something you might be interested in doing, have your people call my people and set it up.

Either way, Welcome To San Antonio!

Hope you have Fun!

SofaKingFun- Interweb WitchDoctor



Derrrp! Guilty! I thought you were still ping-ponging from The Metroplex and back.

I did not know that you actually moved to our charming little city.

Well, Welcome home, neighbor!

Allergies suck rabbit nuts! Uggh!

F'real, you need to get some local honey. (heh! yeah, that kind too!), but seriously, go to The Pearl Farmer's Market, or just Bing; "Local honey in San Antonio" and find the listings for beekeepers, and where you can get some. It HAS to be local honey because it's likely that your allergies are simply Hay Fever and your body is having an allergic reaction to the area's pollen...which is strongest in Spring and Summer.

The prevailing theory is that honey works like a vaccination.

Vaccines introduce dummy versions of a particular virus or germ into the body and effectively trick it into believing it's been invaded, triggering an immune system response
.(allergic reaction)

Well local honey contains many of those same pollen spores, and by introducing small amounts of these into your body, through the consumption of honey, your body builds a tolerance for its presence and over time, lessens the likelihood of your body reacting from that trigger.

It worked for me. I had allergies really bad so bad that I'd have to get shots regularly.

Now I'm not a Medical Doctor and I'm not trying to pretend to be one. However, I would be more than happy to give you/your body a personal, up-close, physical inspection, and conduct some physical examinations of my own, on you, if you'd like? We'd be testing many things.. your heart rate, your lung capacity, as well as various others...such as; physical tests, endurance tests, dexterity drills...limberness, and probably some vocal gasping/moaning hard-breathing drills and, of course, the all important, nakedity test.

So if this sounds like something you might be interested in doing, have your people call my people and set it up.

Either way, Welcome To San Antonio!

Hope you have Fun!

SofaKingFun- Interweb WitchDoctor



Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
Thank you Dr. Fun for making sure she would be in tip top shape. I would hate for her to over excerpt her self. I am excited to welcome you to are fine city Dakota.
Dakota123's Avatar
Well thank you everyone
I will def have to try that Honey routine... Amelia said she heard of this as well
I am hoping that works. I am tired of the stuffy nose and sneezing....
And all of this information is helpful thank you SofaKingFun

Kisses everyone I hope ya'll have a great Easter
BoomShakaLaka's Avatar
Wait........... You live in SA?
No kidding, Boom. I must have missed the memo that she lived somewhere else...