Response to the DELUSIONAL meanderings of a very conflicted individual

As a response to the delusional meanderings of one very conflicted indivdual who has insinuated I have been " stalking " her I would first like to state that this allegation is absolute hogwash and the sad fact is I am the one who has been "stalked" by a person who has set out to play the victim role when she in fact, instigated the drama her damn self. I can link posts where I have been supportive and reached out to her, but frankly, what good would it do?

I have not HARRASSED this provider nor taken "much of my time to spread lies" about her to anyone. She on the other hand, has called every person imaginable, begging them to blast me in a thread or trash talk me with negative commentary in my reviews. She has demanded that mutual friends stop all contact with me which led one very well respected provider to deactivate her account with her bullshit, petty, childish, " it's her or me" demands.

The LIAR here is not me. I simply made a comment in a threAD this woman posted that was NOT an attack, but a constructive viewpoint that SHE couldn't handle, thus making me her target. I did PM her ONCE, responding to a post where she jumped all over me, and requested she keep my name out of her mouth. That should have ended this bullshit... but with this chick, good luck with that. She responded stating I was "begging for friends" and " chasing a male member begging him to date me." She even stooped to the level of telling me how her little clique was laughing at the attendance of my birthday get together. Yet she wants to portray this kind and wonderful human being persona that is nothing but SMOKE AND MIRRORS. Translation: FAKE!

THERE IS ABSOLUTLEY NO REASON FOR THIS JADED INDIVIDUAL TO FEAR FOR HER SAFTEY. I have NOT given her any reason whatsoever to lead to such a notion. Drama is this person's MO, and her desperate cries for attention have led her WEAKNESSES TO BE EXPOSED, WITH NO HELP FROM ME. Example, verbatim, from her recent " IM A VICTIM BOO HOO AD:"
" I have low self esteem, always have." JOIN THE FUCKING CLUB!!! We as women all face this issue.

Eccie was a huge suport system for this twisted chick before she ran out of places and people to feel sorry for her. THAT IS THE BOTTOM LINE. I didn't cause her decline in business, SHE DID. Her own hateful, petty jealousy and insecurity led her to where she dwells today, and the sooner she takes her blinders off, the better she will be in the long run.


I'm 100% sure you know who you are. And the fact that you know without being named means you yourself KNOW you are a jealous, insecure, attention seeking CRYBABY. And I know many others know EXACTLY whom I'm talking about because they also know you constantly make yourself the VICTIM . You have tried to purposely hurt ME with lies and gossip. I have a wonderful life full of happiness, love, and laughter. I don't need to start drama threads about "poor me me me " or beg for money and make a bunch of pathetic excuses as to why I stay BROKE, can't keep my light bill paid, or SAVE ANY MONEY FOR MY FUTURE. I feel NO pity for you because you are obviously so JADED YOU CAN'T SEE THAT YOU ARE YOUR OWN WORST ENEMY, and your OWN BULLY. Your drama has brought YOU THE CONSEQUENCES YOU NOW FACE, PERIOD. Self inventory is a real bitch... I hope someday you can take yours and realize how sad it is that you BLAME EVERYONE BUT YOURSELF for the tangled web of deception you hide behind, rather than face REALITY.

I hope you can get over this war you decided to declare on me and go on with your life. I really really do. Put the past behind you and GROW UP. Leave me the hell alone and stop all the nonsense, please.

Mods, close the thread. I have no interest in what this woman has left to say. THANK YOU!!!!!!!
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  • Mokoa
  • 04-02-2013, 12:02 AM
I will close this thread with the following reminder...

Rule 31 of the Forum Guidelines is quite clear about members bringing their feuds to these forums.

#31 - Often times in the hobby arena, members may display a tendency towards bringing their conflicts with other members to the board. This will be strongly discouraged and swift effort will be made to put it to rest. Additionally, staff will make every effort to stay uninvolved in conflicts and disputes between members off the board except in such cases where the board becomes directly affected.
I trust that this hint will be taken in the spirit it is given and further attention from me will not be required.