Why the FBI And Democrats Are Attacking Whistleblowers

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Michael Shellenberger

Why the FBI And Democrats Are Attacking Whistleblowers

FBI says it won’t release Jan 6 surveillance video because it would show too many undercover government agents and informants

by @galexybrane & @shellenberger

The FBI whistleblowers who testified before Congress today are not actually whistleblowers, say the FBI and Democrats. Rather, they are disloyal Americans who undermined investigations into the January 6, 2021 riot at the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.

“My [Republican] colleagues have brought in these former agents, men who lost their security clearances because they were a threat to our national security,” said Del. Stacey Plaskett (D-V.I.), the ranking member of the House weaponization subcommittee. “Who out of malice or ignorance or both have put partisan agenda above the oath they swore to serve this country.”

But there is no evidence that any of the FBI whistleblowers are or were ever a threat to national security. One of them, Marcus Allen, won two medals fighting in Iraq and Kuwait. Another, Garret O’Boyle, served in the Army in Iraq, worked as a police officer, and graduated with honors in criminology and law.

Democrats pointed out that the FBI had revoked the security clearances of two whistleblowers, Allen, and Steve Friend, earlier this month. That news came in a letter that Christopher Dunham, the acting assistant director of the FBI, sent to the House Judiciary Committee last night.

The FBI claimed that Allen “expressed sympathy for persons or organizations that advocate, threaten, or use force or violence, or use any other illegal or unconstitutional means, in an effort to prevent federal government personnel from performing their official duties.”

But neither FBI nor Democrats presented evidence that Allen, Friend, or the other FBI whistleblowers who testified participated or even sympathized with the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol Building. “I was not in Washington D.C on January 6, played no part in the events of January 6, and I condemn all criminal activity that occurred,” said Allen.

Others suggested the FBI agents were exaggerating. “You all have employment grievances,” said Rep. Gerald Connolly. “That doesn’t make you whistleblowers… We’re listening to sad tales of certain individuals,” said Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. “These individuals have been determined not to be whistleblowers.”

But the FBI agents testifying followed the legally required whistleblower protocols within the FBI and were not fringe agents. Allen, for example, was the 2019 Employee of the Year for the Charlotte Field Office.

Friend, a Special Agent at the FBI for eight and half years, O’Boyle, and Allen all said they made protected whistleblower disclosures and yet were retaliated against by the FBI. Allen was suspended without pay in January 2022. O’Boyle was transferred to a new unit, moved his family across the country, and was placed on an unpaid suspension the first day he arrived.

For decades after the FBI was caught spying on Martin Luther King, Jr. and abusing its powers for political ends, Democrats emphasized strong constraints on domestic spying and the importance of whistleblowers. Now, Democrats are savaging these former public servants as threats to national security. Why is that?

After the paywall:

berryberry's Avatar
FBI whistleblower testifies under oath that FBI won’t allow 11,000+ hours of J6 footage to be released b/c it would expose undercover agents committing crimes inside Capitol

Not only was J6 a Fed setup, but now it’s confirmed that FBI is also covering its tracks


berryberry's Avatar
FBI confirms under oath that undercover officers, confidential informants, and FBI assets were present at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th


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FBI Special Agent Garret O'Boyle was transferred across the country only to be suspended on his first day.

The FBI’s actions forced his family to beg and borrow warm coats for their children because the family’s belongings were locked in an FBI-controlled storage facility.


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The FBI had Undercover Officers and Confidential Human Sources inside the crowd and in the Capitol on January 6th.

The discrimination and censorship of Trump supporters was justified due to an event that the FBI provoked and facilitated…

The FBI is a terrorist organization.
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The FBI had Undercover Officers and Confidential Human Sources inside the crowd and in the Capitol on January 6th. Originally Posted by bambino
They did indeed. The FBI needs to be disbanded, they are corrupt
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BREAKING: 71% of Americans say the FBI needs reform to prevent future interference in elections - Harvard/Harris