Providers in BCS

Xanadude's Avatar
Any providers that actually live in BCS?
Visiting for one night. PM me info/rates/menu if available after 11 tonight
I'd be interested as well.
sean rider's Avatar
Me three.
I don’t live there but visit often and on request. Headed there today.
Kawasakirider's Avatar
Welcome back B3 ^.^
It’s great to be back. Missed you guys.
Zena's Avatar
  • Zena
  • 10-09-2018, 05:44 PM
I want to come do a 2 - 3 day tour (incall) in Bcs..... but it will be all Weekend play.....Fri night ....all Sat ..and until Sun night

I can't do weekdays 8-5 ( wondering if I should come )

hmmmmmmmmm........ pm me please guys - if you have any questions or comments or input ...
thanks ! Zena