
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
What is your favorite condom and why?
DallasRain's Avatar
Lifetsyles Thins...they feel more they are lighly lubricated with a non burning lube.....I am sensative in my kitty so that makes a big difference.
cacophonist_international's Avatar
My new fave...female condoms, the feeling of BB but safe.
MuffDiver1975's Avatar
Trojan Supra micro sheer polyurethane. They are super thin, but strong. They do an awesome job of transferring heat.

I've asked some providers to use a female condom, but they always say no.
DallasRain's Avatar
I will use female condoms...I have once before and I do carry a couple with me...
Trojan natural lambskin. Good lube and don't dry out after 2 minutes.
Big Roscoe's Avatar
FYI: Tboy. Lambskins are not nearly as effective in protecting against STD as are latex condoms. Lambskins don't protect against the viruses that cause AIDS, not hpv.
Big Roscoe's Avatar
Magnum Extasy because they are ridge at the top and the base, are lubricated, and most importantly, they fit.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
My new fave...female condoms, the feeling of BB but safe. Originally Posted by cacophonist_international
I just ordered some should have them next week
The best thing about female condoms is being able to move between options at will. I love that choice.
Redwolf's Avatar