US Mainstream Media Await New Orders Now Their Big Lie About Biden Is Rumbled

berryberry's Avatar
The debacle that was President Biden’s performance at last Thursday’s Presidential debate divided America. Half were astonished to see someone with a crypt-keeper vibe who was obviously dazed and confused and whose language consisted mainly of mumbling nonsense that often trailed off into sheer incomprehensibility. The other half merely saw business as usual from Biden. Political pundits refer to this phenomenon as, in the words of Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams, “one screen, two movies”.

Much of the blame for this societal dissonance lies in the unhealthy alliance of our MSM (mainstream media composed of broadcast networks and major newspapers) and the Democrat Party. Since at least the 1990s the MSM have been operating as a propaganda arm for the Democrat Party as opposed to providing “truth to power”. The MSM are gradually losing the battle for relevance in the huge flourishing of, first, cable networks and now internet-based sites, podcasts and assorted social media, but they are still powerful in their waning days. They trashed Trump merrily during his Presidency, pushed Biden over the finish line in 2020, and have carried Biden’s water since then.

And since 2020 the MSM have been carrying more water for Biden than the Ganges in monsoon season. Biden’s deterioration has been evident for some years and it became an issue in the 2020 election. Brit Hume, one of journalism’s grey eminences, posed that Biden was senile based on his manner, behaviour and actions. MSM “fact-checkers” protected the precious candidate. But Biden and his handlers took notice that they had been rumbled and used the excuse of Covid from early 2020 on to hide Biden away campaigning from his basement. MSM ignored his concerning demeanor completely and supported him for President in words that would have embarrassed George Washington.

After a most unusual election came a most unusual Presidency, where the hiding away of the most powerful man in the world continued. Appearances were controlled, press conferences limited and interviews permitted only in controlled scripted environments such as with celebrities or on late night talk shows. Biden’s deteriorating physical condition, as well as his mental decline, were covered up by his handlers in a number of ways.

winn dixie's Avatar
Opinionated hit piece.
Just how did his debate performance "divide" America?
The debate didn't change a single Biden voter's mind. Maybe if Republicans weren't running with the guy who tried to violently overthrow his own government, things might be different. But, as long as he's the guy, he'll lose to Biden every time.
"Left out of all this is the state of the country. The focus at the moment is on Biden the candidate, but it is Biden as President for the next six months that is far more worrying. The MSM and Democrat Party, however, cannot waste too much time on something as trivial as the state of the nation. Not when there is an election to win."

- Tyler Durden

The last paragraph in Durden's article is perhaps the most disturbing. We no longer seem to be concerned about the Open Southern Border or the increased crimes which are being committed by illegal immigrants, ( I should say undocumented people , but I'm not there yet ) several who were deported and then returned through the open border.
Or the increase homeless issues and crime in major cities.

Perhaps Biden figures if he can take 6 days off to prepare for a national debate , which turned into a disaster , he can take the next 6 months off and not worry about being President .
I believe there's an America, in some people's minds, that's falling apart at the seams, and the economy is terrible and World War 3 is coming to our doorstep, and it's bringing Civil War 2 with it... but that's mostly just right-wing paranoia and a distraction/cover for their convicted felon dear leader.

The truth is, Biden's policies have been mainly beneficial to the majority of Americans. The stock market is at an all-time high, wages are up, prescription drug prices are down, we've dealt with inflation better than almost any other country on earth, and unemployment is at an all-time low. That's the truth. Feel free to check me on any of it.

America is doing just fine. No need for the MSM to lie about anything on Biden's behalf. The truth will be just fine.
chizzy's Avatar
I believe there's an America, in some people's minds, that's falling apart at the seams, and the economy is terrible and World War 3 is coming to our doorstep, and it's bringing Civil War 2 with it... but that's mostly just right-wing paranoia and a distraction/cover for their convicted felon dear leader.

The truth is, Biden's policies have been mainly beneficial to the majority of Americans. The stock market is at an all-time high, wages are up, prescription drug prices are down, we've dealt with inflation better than almost any other country on earth, and unemployment is at an all-time low. That's the truth. Feel free to check me on any of it.

America is doing just fine. No need for the MSM to lie about anything on Biden's behalf. The truth will be just fine. Originally Posted by tommy156
wages are up but this article shreds light on this.......

as it stats, the wage increases have still not matched the inflation over the last 4 years, your buying power is less

and something you dont include is how bad it is for people on fixed incomes which make up a heel of alot of people in this country tommy

so you give a kid working at mcdonalds 20 bucks an hour but then prices go up tocompensate for that.......

meanwhile grandpa and grandma on SS cant afford to buy their prescriptions and food.........

and prescriptions and medical expenses have not gone down, only certain drugs have
Well, you can always try paying minimum wage to work at McDonald's and see how that goes. Lol. Good luck with that when your local Mickey D's is only open 4 days a week, and closes at 8pm, because nobody can (nor should they) afford to work for $7.25/hr.

That issue aside, the Republican paranoia about the state of the country these days is pretty laughable. The economy is humming right now. Violent crime is down. Stock market's never been higher, prescription drug prices are lower than they've been in decades, unemployment is at an all-time low, too.

It's just Fox "News" doing what they do best. Running around with their hair on fire and trying to convince everyone that mean ol' Joe Biden is causing the sky to fall. Nothing more than bogus fear mongering while trying to take the heat off their favorite convicted felon.
chizzy's Avatar
And again prescriptions prices are not down, u must not have read the article that stated that and fyi is not right wing.
Last time I looked Mcdonald and other fast food places were never meant to be a "lifetime job" rather a part time for school students or others supplementing their income. As seen in California raising fast food employees rates have caused many places to shut down, so it has its pros.and cons.
Bottom line, it's not all roses nor is it doom and gloom. Prices are up all over the board hurting fixed income people terribly. And let's not forget being 34 trillion in debt. Only the second time in our history it's exceeded the gdp
And guess who exploded that debt by 7 trillion in a single term? Here's a hint: he was POTUS from 2017-2020.

Prices are up across the board, everywhere on earth. It wasn't all mean ol' Joe Biden's fault. In fact, his policies are currently keeping us from falling into a recession. Could be a lot worse. Europe, Canada, Asia and Australia would all love to have our gas prices right now.
Dr-epg's Avatar
Gentlemen we are way off topic.
berryberry's Avatar
"Left out of all this is the state of the country. The focus at the moment is on Biden the candidate, but it is Biden as President for the next six months that is far more worrying. The MSM and Democrat Party, however, cannot waste too much time on something as trivial as the state of the nation. Not when there is an election to win."

- Tyler Durden

The last paragraph in Durden's article is perhaps the most disturbing. We no longer seem to be concerned about the Open Southern Border or the increased crimes which are being committed by illegal immigrants, ( I should say undocumented people , but I'm not there yet ) several who were deported and then returned through the open border.
Or the increase homeless issues and crime in major cities.

Perhaps Biden figures if he can take 6 days off to prepare for a national debate , which turned into a disaster , he can take the next 6 months off and not worry about being President . Originally Posted by harleyrocks
Well said.
It's criminal what the leftists and the DNC media are doing. Did they really think they could continue to cover up Senile Bidens dementia from the public? Did they really think they could continue to lie about inflation, the weak economy, the open border, etc alk while covering up that Senile Biden is a vegetable?

And once exposed we saw the panic from the leftists as they try to dump Senile Biden as their nominee because he is such as a disaster
berryberry's Avatar
Democrats covered up Senile Biden’s decline as he tanked our economy and national security.

Now they are turning on him because his incompetence is threatening their own political power.

Once again, the Far Left Democrats put their radical agenda first and America last.
bambino's Avatar
I can’t believe this is real.

CNN is now airing humiliating Biden clips they once dismissed as “cheap fakes.”

Imagine being a CNN viewer when your favorite host calls Biden “not coherent.”

JOE BIDEN: “I'm proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, first Black woman, to serve with a Black president.”

JAKE TAPPER: “He’s proud to be the first Black woman? Not coherent.”