Providers Getting Busted from IP address?

A guy friend of mine was posting ads online for "joes handyman & painting"
to make some extra money.

after about 4 weeks he was sent a notice from the city that his address/property was going to be cited for violations of no business licence or receipts of business tax.

He called the city business enforcement office to find out what happened and was told
"CRAIGSLIST ADS for joe's handyman" were traced to your address!!

placing ads online is half of a providers job really-
SO if I place an AD or my own web page from the comfort of my home am I being tracked by LE to my home address?

Is this happening now?
I dont even travel anymore- I wanted to do incalls out of my home.
BUT now it seems impossible if LE are tracking IP addresses to find us.

DOES anybody out there know if this is happening? or info
willyjack's Avatar
Handy work is technically a business that is supposed to be licensed and bonded, that's why the City took interest.
Too many hookers advertising nationwide for enforcement, budgets don't have it in their coffers.
IDK.. I live in a very small town with a big budget
willyjack's Avatar
Hookers are illegal, thus not required to be licensed and bonded to operate in a city.
You are being paranoid.
If the cops wanted you, they'd already have you, because YES they can get a warrant and track your IP address.
City wants your friend licensed so they can collect their revenue.
Hookers are illegal, thus not required to be licensed and bonded to operate in a city.
You are being paranoid.
If the cops wanted you, they'd already have you, because YES they can get a warrant and track your IP address. Originally Posted by willyjack
Good advice hookers are Illegal.Warrant and track your IP address.
Jannisary's Avatar
If he posted his phone number, it is more likely they traced him through that than through an IP address associated with the ad.

In the situation with escorts, I highly doubt BP or other major sites will just turn over IP addresses associated with their advertisers without some sort of legal action taking place.
Use an IP spoofer.

Take a look at TOR.

Buy a bootable jump drive like IronKey.

There are lots of things you can easily do to mask your IP address.
tandyscone's Avatar
Use an IP spoofer.

Take a look at TOR.

Buy a bootable jump drive like IronKey.

There are lots of things you can easily do to mask your IP address. Originally Posted by hgritstoo
A bootable jump drive won't mask your ip address. The other suggestions will.

LE should have to get a court order to be able to get your physical address from your ip address. Then they would have to get your ip from the website where you posted. Once they have your ip, they have to go to your isp to get your physical address.

It is definitely possible, but seems unlikely to me they would go to the trouble for a misdemeanor. Of course it is an election year, so even misdemeanor vice arrests might be politically valuable in some areas.
normalguy21's Avatar
Disclaimer -I spelled words wrong on a 80% on purpose and 20% on im a tard and cant spell so as not to violate the isp agreement i have and the content for which i kinda took out of context so as not to be bent over like sanduskee in the chow hall.

Not for nothing but it depends on certain variables .Whom your service provider is for one .

If you simply would read your ISP"s Acceptable use policy you would find stuff similar

{insert your isp there} reserves the right with out notice to you to monitor content and transmissions electronicly from time to time including but not limited to
Your Isp provider reserves the right, without notice to you, to email news groups chat boards and web space content and subject to certain contions to disclose any information it learns as a result to goverment authorities and third party entities .

You will be subject to the maximum extent of the law that is permitted and applicable by [nazi communist enthralled dicktaters ] witgh out any notice what so ever to you

Then add the CPNI - the ECPA -

You get the subscribers name and address -All phone records internet session times and durations and network address and temp ones too -How you pay them

And then throw in if your service provider is franchised with your city .

Then right from jump street there in like flint in a musket except the end of the barrel is pointed at joe the consumer as in IE YOU !!!

It all boils down to this statement [ REALLY ?]

Dirt can be had on anybody ANYBODY .During the course of a 24 hour day the average person who leaves there dwelling to go to work are shop are rub one out in the park commits a class D felony just by breathing air .

So you could watch all the day time pharmaceutical adds on tv and go see your doctor and get some anxiety meds and stay locked in your house .

Are remember all the brave and honorable men and women who gave there lives in combat so we could live free .

are you could always say hey you ISP provider and hey you MR law maker i hired a P.I with my last 5 grand who has you doing [ insert your most disturbing thing that comes to mind] TO [ again insert what ever works for you here ] and also [again what works ] and it seems your looking at 20 years yourself .

Are just look up the senator from IDAHO who hangs out in bathrooms that should give you a very good idea of the FUCK TARDS that are in postions of power .
Cooper Barrett's Avatar
A bootable jump drive won't mask your ip address. The other suggestions will.

Wrong: Ironkey includes a version of Firefox that works as a VPN. The poster called it out by name.

LE should have to get a court order to be able to get your physical address from your ip address. No, your IP address is not considered private just google "my IP" and get suprised. Then they would have to get your ip from the website where you posted. Once they have your ip, they have to go to your isp to get your physical address. Since Code Enforcement officers are a form of LE it's just sending an email with attached subpoena and you have access to both. In this case they probably just called him, maybe had him bid a job and traced the number. My home business was doing a project in my garage and the neighbors(city employee) turned me in and the city threatened to resend my license. I don't hire someone who does not offer me his real name and an address.

It is definitely possible, but seems unlikely to me they would go to the trouble for a misdemeanor. Of course it is an election year, so even misdemeanor vice arrests might be politically valuable in some areas. Originally Posted by tandyscone
Once they have you on their radar they can gain access through your ISP of all your internet usage at home, on your phone, or through your email accounts without having to notify you.
The Feds can get past anything the VPN's can do but it is labor intensive, and expensive and is saved for national security not busting hookers.

When you place ads you need to use a VPN. I use Surf easy and Hide my ass VPNs.

This post has gone through Germany, France, and back to the states.

Well, Im not going to risk it... or losing my property in a seizure.
and it CAN be a felony depending on your arrest record. 3 strikes law I guess.

Anyway I was just kind of in shock that they can and will track you down from an IP
guess Ive been retired to long!

I may as well stay retired. Its to risky for me.
I will stick with dating / marrying SD's...thats not illegal.
Plus its less work and more profitable at my age (for me at least)

thanks for your replies everyone!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
An IP address (internet cable, Telco dsl, etc.) does have physical address data on file at your cable or Telco office. And yes a warrant is needed.
But LEO is not going to expend the effort/budget/manpower of a several hour research project including waiting for response to issued warrants for just a misdemeanor for one person.
It's simply more cost effective for them to run stings and book a bunch of folks within a few hours.

That said, if they're targeting someone for other stuff, misdemeanor items really don't matter.
A guy friend of mine was posting ads online for "joes handyman & painting"
to make some extra money.

after about 4 weeks he was sent a notice from the city that his address/property was going to be cited for violations of no business licence or receipts of business tax.

He called the city business enforcement office to find out what happened and was told
"CRAIGSLIST ADS for joe's handyman" were traced to your address!!

placing ads online is half of a providers job really-
SO if I place an AD or my own web page from the comfort of my home am I being tracked by LE to my home address?

Is this happening now?
I dont even travel anymore- I wanted to do incalls out of my home.
BUT now it seems impossible if LE are tracking IP addresses to find us.

DOES anybody out there know if this is happening? or info Originally Posted by CRISTY-CUPPS

Interesting you brought this up..I happened to go to lunch with someone I know anyway they're I going through a legal problem and while we were eating two LE came In with two other people that worked cyber was the scariest conversation I had ever listened to..the talk ended up on providers and clients and how they logged everyone's IP address of those that search ad's place ad's and of those that visit the sights.. (yes this one and others came up) the two guys seemed quite pleased since they pose as clients even get to enjoy the business and gather information. so yes they most definitely do...
I don't know from what the two guys were saying sounded like everyone was an interest but that they targeted guys that drove the girls... ( they started laughing while they made rude comments on some guy that they nailed was going to get his chance to know what it was like providing for a cigarette)
Danielle Reid's Avatar
A friend of a friend of mine