President & Vice for 2024

eyecu2's Avatar
Thought I would just put this out there as a mini distraction - so without simply voting for a party, who would be your number one pick for both President and vice President for 2024 and why?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Thought I would just put this out there as a mini distraction - so without simply voting for a party, who would be your number one pick for both President and vice President for 2024 and why? Originally Posted by eyecu2

DeSantis/Owens MAGA!
Cendell M's Avatar
AmishGangster's Avatar
Nikki Haley
Anything but Trump!
I like the sound of Desantis/Owens
Jacuzzme's Avatar
^^ I’d take that ticket. It’s gotta be Desantis. For the good of the country, Trump needs to check his ego and step aside for the guy who can win and be an effective executive.
Not sure but, neither of the last 2 Presidents.
For the sake of this country, trump needs to take a dirt nap. Candace Owens? Seriously? She's a black white supremacist. Straight out of a Chapelle's Show skit.
The problem with Owens is blacks hate her. She won’t tell them what the media does. Girl is smart though. And not hard to look at.
Cody69's Avatar
Clear the slat of all that have ran and have been president and have been a career politician. Start from scratch and pick totally new people who are honest and not into themselves. Someone that actually wants to help the country. Someone who don't want to give continually to someone who don't want to work or take care of themselves and expect everyone else to take care of them. Someone who don't want to give to the rich where they are paying less taxes then the average person. Someone who can come up with a plan for the borders that would be fair for everyone.

Getting rid of the Fox News propaganda machine would be a good idea too. All news outlets sensationalize stories, but Fox straight up lies, preying on the fears and prejudices of their easily provoked audience. Tucker Carlson admitted as much in court. He had to testify that he was a liar, and that no reasonable person would take his show seriously. Lol.
The problem with Owens is blacks hate her. She won’t tell them what the media does. Girl is smart though. And not hard to look at. Originally Posted by Charley3
Blacks hate her because she's a white supremacist. Nothing too tricky or nuanced about it. She's scum.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
LMAO! Owens is black. Her saying simple truths, like the black community is responsible for their own plight, doesn’t make her a “wihite supremacist”, it makes her honest.

Some folks just can’t deal with honesty and want to blame everyone else for their lot in life. That’s why she brings about such high emotions.
LMAO! Owens is black. Her saying simple truths, like the black community is responsible for their own plight, doesn’t make her a “wihite supremacist”, it makes her honest. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I know she's black. As I said earlier, she's a "black white supremacist". She definitely degrades her own people. She also lies as much as trump does. It's no wonder black people hate her. She's embarrasses them.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
^^For example.

Fact of the matter is that the black community ~needs~ voices like her’s. Their culture of fatherlessness, gangs, etc is why they’re not doing well. Someone has to have some integrity, and it sure as hell isn’t the current crop of black “leaders” who only blame the man and completely lack introspection.

Of course there will be a visceral reaction by many, but her perspectives on blacks are still dead on accurate. My old man, and the nuns/Franciscans in high school, called it tough love.