Can't Cum??

Hi All..
I've been pondering this very question for some time, not knowing whether or not to say anything, but I really appreciate and enjoy ya'lls feed back.. so here I am~keeping my fingers crossed...
*deep breath*

Ok.. I know this guy ((not in the hobby-at all))and he has trouble 'finishing'... He is in his early to mid 30's.. and he is in good health.. so, you see this is a problem-without asking/knowing anything more..
After pumping & sweating & lubing for what feels like forever.. he get's pissed and gives up.. He has mentioned a time or two that he thinks that he is concentrating too hard... ??
I didn't know you could concentrate "TOO" hard.. ??
Any advice? Any words of wisdom? Any.. Anything??

((Thanks in advance for your reply))
Hey, Vix,

No one responded so all us guys are perfect, I guess, LOL! Lots of us would love to have his problem, I kinda do, but it's because in the last few months, I can't get completely erect. Need to take some Mycoxaflopin pills. Gonna try Cialis next week. Ask him if he indeed is fully erect the whole time. If he is, he could make a living as a porn star, lucky guy.
onyx7100's Avatar
I have had the same issue for many years and there can be many reasons. He should probally have his physcian check him out, check any blood pressure or allergy medications sans any issues their it a mind thing to relax get in the flow and not get frustrated
fitnessbuff's Avatar
Happens to me occasionally...if I am over tired, over stressed, or overly nervous....but GENERALLY, I can get off somehow...Russian, good BJ, even you doing a good HJ...but once in awhile....just can't...and no reflection on the beautiful woman I am with !
stargaze75's Avatar
I had the same problem for a long time some times I still have this problem.Some times I can not get an erection. I have been to doctors about it and they tell me stress and worring about satisfing my partner have a lot to do with it. Try a more relaxing forplay and spend more time working up to climax. getting comfortalbe with each other may help. A little reasurance on your part may help. ("Oh that feels so good" or something like that). I am not a doctor so these are just things I have tried over the years.
TR8368's Avatar
Could be low testosterone, which his doctor can check, though usually that happens later in life... I had it and the doctor got me on injections every other week.
Also, a major problem there is medications stopping it... I have that problem too... I would suspect that's the problem rather than his 'mind'.
Good luck to both of you.
translateslowly's Avatar
I take medication for my prostate and this can be one of the side effects. Also low testosterone can be a cause but that also causes erection problems.

Hope you work it out (pun intended)