
Unique Boricua's Avatar
I received an article about Marriott pairing with the feds about watching and keeping an eye out for females traveling alone in hopes of stopping those that choose to use the rooms for their business. Here's the info on that... @PaceSociety; #sexwork.
Can you retry that link? Didn't come through correctly.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-26-2019, 08:46 PM
Marriott has done that for years. The corporate folks push it--some individual hotels buy in with a vengeance, others largely ignore it.

But if in doubt, recommend using a different chain. Hilton and Holliday Inn groups don't seem to have the same top down zeal that the Mormon owned Marriott chain does.
Jxoxo's Avatar
  • Jxoxo
  • 01-27-2019, 01:29 PM
That is unfair profiling... So if a girl travels alone she is most likely up so something and needs to be watched and monitored? This world is so f***ed up. How can they pay more attention to their female visitors traveling alone then anybody else, I wouldn't want to be treated any different then Amy other guest simply because I'm traveling along and female and should a female choose to have company with no drama then who the hell are they to call police or feds and alert them of that females prsence in the hotel. And I heard of A incident Where a guy had some girls being trafficked locked in a Room at a hotel I believe it was the Crowne Plaza but if they were trained to look for Min traveling alone they would have caught that, Or there's even cases where it's a guy and a girl check in but the guy is a pimp basically what I'm saying is looking for girls traveling alone is stupid if that be the case you have to question everybody because you just never know what anybody's up to.
That is unfair profiling... So if a girl travels alone she is most likely up so something and needs to be watched and monitored? This world is so f***ed up. How can they pay more attention to their female visitors traveling alone then anybody else, I wouldn't want to be treated any different then Amy other guest simply because I'm traveling along and female and should a female choose to have company with no drama then who the hell are they to call police or feds and alert them of that females prsence in the hotel. And I heard of A incident Where a guy had some girls being trafficked locked in a Room at a hotel I believe it was the Crowne Plaza but if they were trained to look for Min traveling alone they would have caught that, Or there's even cases where it's a guy and a girl check in but the guy is a pimp basically what I'm saying is looking for girls traveling alone is stupid if that be the case you have to question everybody because you just never know what anybody's up to. Originally Posted by Jxoxo
?????????????? Just for my information, how does one lock someone INSIDE a hotel room??????

I suspect that this is being done due to a lot of past experience by the hotel management. Truth be known, many hotels are on the lookout for a single lady in a room with unusual in and out traffic. I suspect that after the Las Vegas shooting, some one with a butt load of luggage will get extra scrutiny as well.
chloeblue83's Avatar
I travel with my dog in baggy clothes no make up no jewelry or tattoos showing i look like a housewife honestly! One hotel in Denver i went to for years to work they never knew anything. I started talking to the manager on a personal level he thought i was visiting family every few months and we fooled around he new about the girls that did because of the way they dressed in short outfits and tons of make up. He didnt care though he looked the other way so i finally told him when i left the hotel he was shocked! I honestly never had a issue at a hotel because i dont look like im up to something. But if your walking around in booty shorts n heels its a dead give away
Thanks for the heads up, beautiful
Jxoxo's Avatar
  • Jxoxo
  • 01-28-2019, 04:50 PM
I've get hotel rooms some times and never have had any issues myself but when I've got rooms I've always been with my girl friend and we always check in with sweats and no makeup lol. And the incident at crown plaza supposedly the girls were locked in dog cages in the room. I'm trafficked situations those women are most likely in fear for their life and no better then to male noise. But idk if this is a real incident my friend told me about two years ago I suppose can look up on Google. But situations like that happen all the time and my point is to Pay more attention to a pretty female because she's alone is dumb because the male traveling alone can be up to something as well. Or the Couple traveling together might not even be a couple. But I agree about the traffic part I guess that would make anybody suspicious
Jxoxo's Avatar
  • Jxoxo
  • 01-28-2019, 04:54 PM
Those are all absolutely horrifying stories. The fact that many women engage of their own will is what I hope drives the hobby. I hope it is an enriching, delightful and satisfying activity for most. I realize there is also desperation and urgent need for cash that sometimes creates the lifestyle. I would prefer the former and always try to engage in a positive manner.

On the other side we have guys that want to take advantage and mean harm to the ladies. No good will ever come of that. There are also a number, and I hope overwhelming majority, that just want a good time with variety and no stings attached with a beautiful and free thinking woman. Yes some also have SO, some are lonely, and just need a little relief.
Jade to your point on appearance. You can dress up and put a ton of makeup on some ladies while putting the others in sweats and not trying. For the most part we can still spot the not so much type from the real beauties even if they don't try. It has been a very long time since we met but as I recall there was no faking what category you would fit into. I also recall a Unique lady that was just naturally that fits in too.

I wish all the positive participants well. Free will and choice today, tomorrow, forever.
Jxoxo's Avatar
  • Jxoxo
  • 01-29-2019, 12:44 PM
Those are all absolutely horrifying stories. The fact that many women engage of their own will is what I hope drives the hobby. I hope it is an enriching, delightful and satisfying activity for most. I realize there is also desperation and urgent need for cash that sometimes creates the lifestyle. I would prefer the former and always try to engage in a positive manner.

On the other side we have guys that want to take advantage and mean harm to the ladies. No good will ever come of that. There are also a number, and I hope overwhelming majority, that just want a good time with variety and no stings attached with a beautiful and free thinking woman. Yes some also have SO, some are lonely, and just need a little relief.
Jade to your point on appearance. You can dress up and put a ton of makeup on some ladies while putting the others in sweats and not trying. For the most part we can still spot the not so much type from the real beauties even if they don't try. It has been a very long time since we met but as I recall there was no faking what category you would fit into. I also recall a Unique lady that was just naturally that fits in too.

I wish all the positive participants well. Free will and choice today, tomorrow, forever. Originally Posted by Fangotosand
That's true, I'm not big on the overdone look and really sweats & no make doesn't really change my pretty ( just saying, Not in a stuck up manner lol) but heels and make up call more attention in my opinion. On the other matter yes, it is very disgusting the people who are out to harm or take advantage of women. Glad this guy was caught. P.S. please excuse the typos in my last post, me and swipe text doesn't seem to be getting along lol.

Be safe everyone!
chloeblue83's Avatar
Ya your really pretty and seem smart about safty!!!thanks for the news u rock
Couple years back I unfortunately met a girl he threatened and was trying to enslave. We were at a casino for an overnight when she saw him and made a immediately B line for the elevator not telling me anything. When I caught up with her she explained the tall guy with the gold teeth (who I didn't notice) Was a pimp and how he targets women with out a pimp to physically and financially exploit them. I guess he tried to contact her on social media in the past stating she needed to "choose up" Its fair to say that this incident kind of dulled the night which was a little disappointed being it was an overnight at a casino and she was scared to go downstairs to eat, gamble or drink. All in all I hope the scum bag gets what he deserves. I now spend a little extra time making sure the provider is completely independent or at least the one running the show. Which brings me to my next point:
This is exactly why the profession needs to be legalized in the all areas of the US to alleviate POS's like him from the business. But in the mean time this just shows the importance of this site. I myself and 99% of the people here prefer not to support women that are forcibly "managed" which would be almost impossible to know without the local communities and intel this site provides.
chloeblue83's Avatar
Dont really talk about my story much it can take focus away from the fun but thats how i got into this i was 19 i ran away 3 months later and just now in my 30s have i came back to hobby doing things on my own i travel to great places and meet amazing people! Ive driven up to portland have plans of going to the grand canyon this year. Without this hobby i wouldnt of done any of it im so appreciate of it and were i been. How ive been able to help family or go out to eat at nice places here n there. Ive meet so many girls thats how they got started to many stories if it was legal it would be so much better. Its night and day how my life is now i went thru some horrible stuff and now i have my own place the cuttest dogs n my bills are always paid ahead of time
Desertdog's Avatar
Thanks for sharing your story Chloe I'm happy your living the good life