Someone has a lucid moment

What were we thinking, close Gitmo?

Why is it every time the liberals assert their wrong thinking they try and use the Bill of Rights or the Constitution? That stuff was written 200 years ago, before terrorist! It doen't apply now.

I mean those furners are trying to throw us out of their countries. Hell we came there to help them get their useless oil out of the ground. We helped the Irquis get rid of those Weapons of Mass Destruction, just because we didn't find them doesn't mean they weren't there. And now they repay us by actually fighing our liberation forces in Afgan and Iraq. I say they accept freedom or we kill them or put them in Gitmo.

Trials, why waste money on trials, I say we take everyone who doesn't agree with us and ship them home. By the way would some of you smart people tell us what we agree on. Oh never mind I'll just turn on Rush and he'll tell me what to think. He's always right or so many people wouldn't call his show and agree with him.

Hell, if Rush says it, then it's OK with me. No I don't remember that he disagreed with Bush and wanted him out of office, I can only remember back to last thursday. Originally Posted by Porscheboy8888
Ignorance personified.
Porscheboy8888 let me introduce you to the sarcasm smiley:

Some of us here aren't smart enough to recognize sarcasm without a hand signal.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
...That stuff was written 200 years ago, before terrorist! It doen't apply now... Originally Posted by Porscheboy8888
We have been dealing with terrorists since the founding. Most people forget, but if they listened to the Marine Corps hymn, you will note the verse, "To the shores of Tripoli," which refers to the Marine Corps being deployed to fight the Barbary Pirates who were seizing merchant ships for reward. The current definition of terrorism "the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear," which fits the actions by the Barbary Pirates.

Quoted by BHO during the Cairo speech, John Adams said, "The first nation to recognize my country was Morocco. In signing the Treaty of Tripoli in 1796, our second president, John Adams, wrote, The United States has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Muslims."
Porscheboy8888 let me introduce you to the sarcasm smiley:

Some of us here aren't smart enough to recognize sarcasm without a hand signal. Originally Posted by pjorourke
I'm going to go with PJ on this one. I think Porscheboy8888 was funnin'.

Carry on.......
Thanks for the special smiley. But, I have used the ignore button and don't get to read what some folks post. I find my life is so much more pleasent as a result.

Yes, I voted for the President, but he was my second choice. Hillary would have made a better president.

When this country preaches freedom and justice them shows the world that we are selective in our application it makes me sad. I travel all over the world and talk to lots of folks. Most don't understand that we are just trying to spread democracy, they believe we are making sure there is cheap gas for SUV's. Hard to convince them otherwise when our actions seems to prove them correct.

Not looking for a fight, just expressing an opinion.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
It's no fun being a mod at times. The Hillary and Reno jokes that would fit in here.
Most don't understand that we are just trying to spread democracy, they believe we are making sure there is cheap gas for SUV's. Hard to convince them otherwise when our actions seems to prove them correct. Originally Posted by Porscheboy8888
Psst. Democracy allows people to build and buy Porsches and SUVs and purchase the gas needed to operate them. I think the avg bicycle riding guy in China will understand that after they talk to their American cousin.
Most don't understand that we are just trying to spread democracy, they believe we are making sure there is cheap gas for SUV's. Hard to convince them otherwise when our actions seems to prove them correct. Originally Posted by Porscheboy8888
There is nothing more Sisyphean than trying to spread "democracy" to totalitarian countries that have been so for 100s and 1000s of years. No wonder it's impossible. They have become comfortable with their totalitarian government and can't imagine another form, much less be attracted to one.