Quantity and economics over Quality?

Hey everyone,
I notice alot of you gentleman prefer to have the best bargain. If its not a deal you dont have the feel! I understand this when it comes to cars, shoes, lawn mowers, ect...
But is it really safe to bargain shop for people to trade bodily fluids with?

Example; You have a date set with a provider, she is well known and often requested. She is ALWAYS at a bargain rate so you return consistantly. AS DO MANY OTHER INDIVIUALS. Only you booked a 10 o'clock PM appointment and her schedule on her profile says she starts at 10AM. Lets just say she had 6 before you...YOU "MUST HAVE" DATY???

My question to you boys is....Is it really bright to go with the BARGAIN? Save a little now spend alot later at the doctors???


I ABSOLUTELY prefer the quality of the encounter. I really do prefer the ladies that might cost a little more, but only see one or possibly two clients in a day. I am not really a bargain hunter, or a quickie kind of guy.
Your a very smart man hun, sometimes I just dont understand ths mind set of some individuals.
Thanks!!! Not really sure how smart, but reasonable.
Beagle's Avatar
Depends on what looking for. I am more interested in attitude and intimacy vs flawless and would never pay more than $200/hr and never contact anyone if didn't know their hourly rate from ad or website. I do however have physical limits, slim to medium and not huge but B to C natural breasts
No matter how many gents hop on here agreeing with us and our logic, theres double that who enjoy playing the bargain game even if the gift amount is well within his budget. Its important to seed them out or it could ruin your business. First hh, now BNGs just so a 2-digit donation can be given.When you give into these pressures, you burn fast and find little motivation - who the heck wants to invest hours in preparation, remain GFE for ( $0.XX)?? Its just really not worth it...chump change leaves in seconds in this biz. High volume. .. I HONESTLY dont know any provider screwing 10 guys a day...so the adding up theory misses me and is not a reality for many of us.

Best advice : IGNORE the gripes and low-balling. They prey on the SLIGHTEDT desperation for more business, reviews, revenue, etc from women. The hobby should empower both sides - not cause regret. Its our bodies vs wallets...