How Many of the People Celebrating Tonight Know What We're Celebrating and Why?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Lots of fireworks going off here in Wichita. (Yes, they're legal, most of them.) I wonder why people were selling fireworks? Maybe to MAKE MONEY? But I digress.

Anybody know of any links or statistics that show how many people know that we are celebrating our independence from Great Britain because we wanted to be free? My guess is that number would be quite small. Just askin'.

We wiped the aliens off the planet...
budman33's Avatar
Yep, we need a Will Smith high school or something.

I celebrated having the day off.
joe bloe's Avatar
We wiped the aliens off the planet... Originally Posted by gnadfly
They should do a remake of "Independence Day" with Obama as the president. He'd welcome the aliens and offer them amnesty, with in state tuition. Anyone that complained would be labeled Xenophobic. Jeremiah Wright would declare, that our cities being destroyed by the aliens, was what the world deserved; it's our chickens coming home to roost. He'd be ranting God damn the world! God damn the world!
They should do a remake of "Independence Day" with Obama as the president. He'd welcome the aliens and offer them amnesty, with in state tuition. Anyone that complained would be labeled Xenophobic. Jeremiah Wright would declare, that our cities being destroyed by the aliens, was what the world deserved; it's our chickens coming home to roost. He'd be ranting God damn the world! God damn the world! Originally Posted by joe bloe

Joe you are suffering from Toxoplasmosis get treatment.