Another test: Ben Carson, pediatric neurosurgeon

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Ben Carson publicy challenged the beliefs of Barack Obama to his face with a reasoned, impassioned statement. He is being attacked by the slime merchants in the political establisment and the media elites. Where do you stand?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I like the guy.
I like a lot of what he has to say. Common sense solutions to many of the issues we face. Also has an incredible personal story, which is what really scares the libtards. That's why he's being attacked so viciously. Honestly don't know if he's ready for prime time, though.
He's entitled to his opinions but the conservatives who think he's the 2016 messiah are dreaming. Being a successful pediatric neurosurgeon is one thing, and more power to him...being a successful presidential candidate is something else. Not going to happen.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I hope he keeps saving children. Washington will ruin him.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
He's entitled to his opinions but the conservatives who think he's the 2016 messiah are dreaming. Being a successful pediatric neurosurgeon is one thing, and more power to him...being a successful presidential candidate is something else. Not going to happen. Originally Posted by timpage
like a community organizer is the stair way to being president?
I get what you're saying but politics requires something beyond being successful in a chosen professional field. I totally understand why you would like this guy. He's an outsider, he's been wildly successful in his profession and.....most importantly to the GOP....he's black!

Now...that having been said. Can you imagine that the speech that he gave that has brought him to such prominence would have even been a ripple had he been a Caucasian pediatric neurosurgeon? Hmmm. I bet not.

Bottom line? He's an inexperienced professional dabbling in politics....and a Seventh Day Adventist. You can go ahead and google that shit yourself and see how you think it will play in a national election.

like a community organizer is the stair way to being president? Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Protestant! That will work. I do not want Ben for our President. I just like how he made your President look Stupid and have to sit thru Bens speech with that stupid look on his face...
What's your point? Sister Theresa did a lot of good too. Was she a viable Presidential candidate?

As usual, you are full of want to shit on democrats, while at the same time, claiming to shit on republicans....but, while at the same time advocating political policy that is 90% republican. Bullshit.

I hope he keeps saving children. Washington will ruin him. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Timmy, timmy, timmy... what is Barack Obama? He is: the first black president of the US, the first strong candidate for the nomination, he is clean, bright, and articulate, he is a new generation, he is multicultural, etc All things that democrats said about him. It is your party that cares about race. When I hear Carson talk I hear man who knows what it means to be an American and not a Black man who lives in America. The GOP is color blind; Allen West, Mia Love, Condi Rice, JC Watts, Micheal Steele, Colin Powell ( he calls himself a republican), etc All of them are known by what they say and not because of what they are.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Great guy and a helluva lot more intelligent than Obama.
I like him but not as president. If I needed some brain surgery, I would want him on the team.