fire chucky

plow44's Avatar
after beating an overranked ou team, then beating a declining ksu team, back to normalcy for tu yes tu! I wish people would stop making excuses for chucky, and start blaming chucky. FIRE THE EXPERIMENT, AND GET A REAL COACH! we need to cut ties as soon as possible. the guy looks clueless on the sidelines, and his body language shows somebody that is in way over his head. this is the worst coaching I have ever seen!
blowmypop23's Avatar
He may or may not be what UT needs but the cupboards were left very empty by Mac. Mac was a great coach, as was laundry for the cowboys but both were a mere shadow of themselves at the end. Did you call for jimmy's head after season 1 or 2 as well.

It takes time to build a program up from the bottom and yes by the end Macs program was at the bottom. I say he deserves another season to see what he can do with his own recruits. If there is no progress next year then I'd let him go.