Reset Order? Fuck Houston's Turner and Hildago.

What's a reset supposed to do that these various mask orders, stay at home orders and "limitation" orders haven't already accomplish? Here in Houston, 80-90% of the adult populace are wearing masks most of the time they are indoors. With the exception of gyms and restraurants, almost everyone wears the mask (95%+). They've been doing it for months.

Now that school will start in about a month everyone is panicked. There's this call imagined by the Dims that we need a lock down again to "reset"...whatever that means. The country has lost 120K+ people. Most of them were old and/or had medical issues. Now we are on the second or third surge or spike, depending who you listen to. I've read children in Europe who are "asymptomatic" can't spread the virus to adults.

We are about to achieve herd immunity. Read that nobody died in NYC from COVID yesterday. Several sources are trying to push the agenda item that "perfectly healthy children" have died of COVID. Doesn't pass the smell test when investigated.

The only thing the reset accomplishes is pushing the vote by mail conspiracy.
matchingmole's Avatar
Voting by mail is not a actually happens
Voting by mail is actually done as the norm in some states WA and OR I believe. Seems to work for them just fine. Only Trump and McConnel fear people actually voting.
LexusLover's Avatar
Voting by mail is not a actually happens Originally Posted by matchingmole
And it actually has caused issues in the validity of the count.

I can't wait until November!

That goof-ball reminds of Schiffty!

There have already been discovered errors in the mailing of ballots to "voters"!
  • oeb11
  • 07-21-2020, 05:23 PM
DPST's love the mail vote - They are experts at using the votes of dead/moved/never existed to skew elections - ie - JFK and the Mafia in chicago, LBJ - and that is just a couple of the most prominent - remember Brenda Snipes in Palm beach???
DPST expertise extends to accusing Conservatives of precisely what nefarious deeds they are executing themselves.

Democrat party - without hypocrisy they would be Silent!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yupper just look to the idiots in FL , I live in a city and cant get the right mail all week
So how EGREGIOUS to think mail in voting = No fraud wow just stupid.
And it actually has caused issues in the validity of the count.

I can't wait until November!

That goof-ball reminds of Schiffty!

There have already been discovered errors in the mailing of ballots to "voters"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
That's not a mail-in ballot. That is actually one of the punch cards from the voting machines in Florida in Bush-Gore 2000 election.
Grace Preston's Avatar
A lot of this is posturing to try to prevent further lawsuits from the RPT after having cancelled their in person convention with only a few days notice.. which sent the whole convention into a tailspin that they still haven't recovered from.
A lot of this is posturing to try to prevent further lawsuits from the RPT after having cancelled their in person convention with only a few days notice.. which sent the whole convention into a tailspin that they still haven't recovered from. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Nailed it.
LexusLover's Avatar
That's not a mail-in ballot. That is actually one of the punch cards from the voting machines in Florida in Bush-Gore 2000 election. Originally Posted by Kinkster90210
Hey! Did I say it was?

So, you think there is a distinction between a fucked up machine ballot and a bogus mailed ballot? The POINT of the exercise is to assure that ...



When the DumboCrat clerks don't clean up their rolls ON PURPOSE they end up getting some extra MAILED BALLOTS to score for their candidate!

JFK won the 1960 election by STUFFED BALLOT BOXES from Illinois. Chicago to be exact!

The pattern for the last four years has been ....

The CommunistSocialistLiberalAntiT rumpers accuse the Trumpers of doing shit that the CommunistSocialistLiberalAntiT rumpers either are doing or have done! Trump said mailing in ballots was risky in so far as the accuracy of the voting is concerned. He WAS and IS correct .... already it's been shown in the recent primaries that ballots were mailed to wrong addresses and to dead folks...not to mention FELONS. Recently there has been mention of large bags of ballots stored in "safe places" .... they've been seen.

Don't you want an accurate election? Or do you want some fucked up PTA election?
LexusLover's Avatar
Voting by mail is actually done as the norm in some states WA and OR .... Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... let's see ....

Aren't those the states that think it's ok to burn Federal buildings?

And you are vouching for their integrity?

They've been infected with California Rejects!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
DPST's love the mail vote - They are experts at using the votes of dead/moved/never existed to skew elections - ie - JFK and the Mafia in chicago, LBJ - and that is just a couple of the most prominent - remember Brenda Snipes in Palm beach???
DPST expertise extends to accusing Conservatives of precisely what nefarious deeds they are executing themselves.

Democrat party - without hypocrisy they would be Silent! Originally Posted by oeb11
Yes, ballots are sometimes sent to people who have died or moved. Never existed I doubt. That does not mean that the mis-mailed ballot will be filled out and sent in by someone else and counted.

Due to my age, I am allowed to vote by mail. The odds of a mail-in ballot reaching me are ridiculously low. So I get the ballot. Someone could somehow get his/her hands on it, fill it out, and mail it in. When received, the signature on the ballot will be matched against my signature on record and if questionable, I will be contacted to verify whether or not I submitted the ballot. And anyone fraudulently filling out a ballot is subject to a felony conviction. Worth it?

As mentioned, 5 states conduct elections entirely by mail. Another 26 states allow you to apply for a mail-in ballot with any excuse required. Another 17 states require an excuse for a mail-in ballot. In those states that have allowed mail-in voting in the past, there have been no cases of widespread fraud.

To me this is an excuse that Trump will use if he loses in November. Add it to the list.
LexusLover's Avatar
Yes, ballots are sometimes sent to people who have died or moved. Never existed I doubt. That does not mean that the mis-mailed ballot will be filled out and sent in by someone else and counted. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
And you posting that BS doesn't mean IT WON'T!!!!

Let's see ...what's the most likely scenario?

"Yes it will" or "No it won't"?

My vote is with the LOONS afraid of statues and federal buildings with their enablers and apologists helping them and looking the other way, who are committing felonies as we post! Violating the law seems way to easy to them.
LexusLover's Avatar
To me this is an excuse that Trump will use if he loses in November. Add it to the list. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
What are the excuses used by HillariousNoMore this day?

You people take your own bullshit and assign it to someone else. Called "PROJECTION"!

aka GORE!

Voting by mail is actually done as the norm in some states WA and OR I believe. Seems to work for them just fine. Only Trump and McConnel fear people actually voting. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
God forbid some lazy motherfucker actually has to go out and vote when people fought and died for the right to determine who gets to choose our leadership! (ask England about the American Revolution and such)

Unless someone is old and cannot get to the polls because it is medically unsound to do so, people need to get off their asses and go vote in person or fuck off.

This country used to be great now it is populated by a bunch of losers and faggots and race hustlers.

As for the reset, a different group of scared pussies wants to get paid and not earn it. I go out everyday and do my business with a mask on and I social distance. I'm still here and haven't gotten sick in years.